Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Staring Into The Face Of Evil: When Will It End?

If you read and remember the history of the Roman Empire, you will also remember that the pagan Emperor Nero, blamed the nascent Christians for the burning of a good portion of the city of Rome. 

Of course, there was no evidence for his claim, but since it emanated from the mouth of that lunatic, it became "gospel."   Quickly thereafter, massive persecution of Christ's burgeoning flock began.

The accounts of the torture and deaths of Christian, men, women, and even children were so barbaric, that I will not repeat them here.  Suffice to say, that it became "fun" and "games" to do away with the faithful followers of Our Lord, in ways that would make a decent person vomit...

Let us now jump to the present day, and see what is happening to Catholic/Christian churches here, in the land of the "free and the home of the brave..."

Just this past weekend, at least two Catholic churches were vandalized and burned.  One church had parishioners inside when a leftist lunatic rammed his vehicle right into the church; poured out gasoline and lit it up!   In another incident, an historic church in L.A. was completely destroyed by arsonists.  In the first case, the evil punk was captured by police, thank goodness...

And we have all heard of the attacks on statutes depicting Catholic Saints, such as St. Junipero Serra and the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Mother of Christ).

The attacks on the churches barely made "honorable mention" in the mainstream media.  Can you imagine if the buildings attacked and burned were synagogues or mosques?  All hell would break loose, in the media -- and on the streets!

The satanic ghouls that perpetrate such outrages, are truly doing the work of the devil; they are evil personified, and have given over their intellects to the father of lies.  So, it is not a question of ignorance, or insanity, but a conscious decision and willingness to serve the Enemy of Christ and humankind.

What is fueling these hate crimes, it is a contempt for people who love the land of our birth?

By the way, where is the FBI in all of this?? 

 The main target -- if it is not obvious -- is Jesus Christ, and those who follow Him: the way, the truth and the life...

The cry of the "new Nero," is that Christians are to blame for everything under the sun that is wrong in the world...

It is becoming more apparent that those who claim they are demonstrating for justice, whatever that means these days, are either fooling themselves, or are using the deaths of black Americans as a cover for the Marxist agenda with the aim to transform our Republic into something unrecognizable to freedom-loving Americans... 

One of the main enablers of this insurrection is a very weakened clergy, specifically, the Catholic hierarchy, unable or unwilling to call out and condemn the Communists and their violence, exacted, not only on our churches and monuments, but also to the innocent citizenry being beaten nearly to death on the streets of America by the so-called "black lives matter" and their minions...

Where is the backbone of our shepherds?   Where is their manhood?   Where is their willingness -- their obligation -- to put their lives on the line for the flock of the faithful entrusted to them by right of their office? 

I don't see it.

On top of all of this craziness, we have to deal with civic "leaders" demanding we kowtow to their un-Constitutional dictates, whether the mandatory wearing of (ineffective!) face masks, or being under house arrest, all in an effort to stifle the faux "pandemic" of this strain of the flu bug... 

How, or when will this madness end?  When will things return to a sense of normalcy in our country?  

I cannot predict a timetable, but what I do know, is that unless and until we men and women stand up for our unalienable rights, granted to us by God Himself, and have a real conversion of heart and soul, very little will change...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for  us...

Gene DeLalla

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