Friday, July 10, 2020

The Aliens Among Us...

There has been a substantial increase in the number of illegal aliens attempting to enter our country at our southern border.  It should be noted that a good number of those illegal aliens are bringing various diseases and sicknesses with them.  Where is the concern from the likes of Drs. Fauci or Birx that the aliens may be spreading diseases far worse than the Wuhan virus?  Fortunately, those professional and brave border patrol agents continue to do the best job they can, and apprehend many of those border crossers, process, then send them back south from whence they came...

I find it interesting that even though the U.S. is under draconian restrictions regarding the current "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, illegals still want to come to our country seeking opportunity, not only for themselves, but also to send monies to their families back in their native land of Mexico.  

It should be noted, however, that not all those apprehended at the border are Mexican nationals, but include aliens from a whole host of countries, from South America, as well as countries from Asia and Africa...   

This phenomenon is dangerous for several reasons, including the fact that some of those apprehended were those who could be classified as terrorists, Communists, or other entities intent on doing harm to America.  This is not generally reported by the mainstream media simply because it shoots down their narrative that all who come across the border are peace-loving men seeking a better life for themselves and their families... 

The sovereignty of a country depends on a defensible and secure border, not a border that is more of a sieve than a barrier.  Most of those in the Democratic party want our borders to disappear, and become one, homogenized "Americas" that would include -- whatever would be left of the U.S. -- Mexico and Canada.  

This would be dangerous, not only for the reason of sovereignty and protection from our enemies, but also for our rights that we still enjoy under the Constitution, as well as for the currency that we use to buy and sell goods and services.  (What supreme document would our rights and laws emanate from if not the Constitution?)  What would replace the (failing) dollar?  The peso?  The Canadian buck?  Or, maybe something like the "Amero-dollar," whatever that would look like.   Who or what would determine the value of such a piece of paper?  The Fed?  The Canadian or Mexican central bank?   A nightmare in the making!

I did not intend this article to be screed about illegal aliens invading our country, rather, it was to point out The Aliens Among Us who are those Americans by birth or naturalization, that have become, what I consider, aliens to our way of life.  

We know how to defend against an enemy from without our borders, but to recognize and defend against an enemy from within our borders, is a different story...  Fortunately, those who hate our country have become more transparent; more obvious than ever before.  In a sense, this is good, so we now know who are the loyalists, and who are the seditious that want to transform our country into something our young children and their children will no longer to able to recognize -- that is, if they are "allowed" to have children!

The threats to our way of life, and our right and duty to worship our good God, are real and overt; no longer covert, as the radical leftists have become emboldened by weak-kneed politicians -- both Democrat and Republican, as well as clergy unwilling to sacrifice for their flocks... This weakness and the attempt to appease the godless mercenaries that are looting and burning, and tearing down our statues and monuments, has only made those traitors more determined than ever to implement their horrible, anti-life, anti-Christ agenda... 
Make no mistake about where the loyalties of these Marxists lie: with the father of lies, Satan.  

If that isn't enough to put the fear of the Lord in you and I, then we're done for; we're doomed to failure in defending ourselves and our precious families -- and our country...

Pray for strength and honor, courage and fortitude for what we must face head-on in the coming days...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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