Thursday, July 2, 2020

From The CDC... January 15, 2010: Up To 80,000,000 Americans Infected With H1N1...

Just over 10 years ago, the CDC reported that nearly 80,000,000 -- MILLION -- Americans were infected with the H1N1 flu bug...

The country was not locked down, and the economy didn't crash...

Ten years ago, about 375,000 people were hospitalized.

WHO: the number of deaths from confirmed 2009 H1N1 flu, a minimum of 18,449, but that number is regarded as well below the true total, mainly because many people who die of flu-related causes are not tested for the disease.

Even if 100,000 people perished from the H1N1, and 80,000,000 were infected, that indicates that the percent of people dying from the H1N1 is 0.1, or one-tenth of one percent.  
Again, the country was not locked down.

Today's number of cases in the U.S. from COVID-19 is about 2,741,841.  The number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 is reported to be 130,147.  In reality, the death count is misleading and subject to manipulation.  Why?  Because the CDC's own website states deaths confirmed or presumed from COVID-19.  In addition, the CDC's count is less than what the media continues to report: 112,700, not 130,147!!  

Even if true, the deaths: 112,700 from 2,741,841 infections equals about 4 percent!   

But there's more...

The media lists the number of recovered cases at about 850,000!   That figure is probably understated for obvious reasons...

Because of these data the country was shut down, and the economy crashed?  Is it possible that there was, and still is, a more insidious agenda here to topple the government and our duly elected president, and install a socialist/Communist system of slavery?  

Now we are told that there is an uptick -- a surge -- in COVID-19 cases, yet the number of deaths continues to decline nationwide!

On top of this, we have the radical anarchists destroying people and businesses in the name of George Floyd, due to a rotten cop.  And because of this, innocent bystanders are brutally beaten for no other reason than for the color of their skin? 

This weekend, we celebrate the nation's founding on the 4th of July, but many celebrations have been cancelled by weak town and city politicians afraid of their own shadows by capitulating to the so-called "black lives matter" Marxists...  

Appeasement never works, and never will, only strength and honor will defeat these murderous thugs...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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