Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wearing A Face Mask Is Patriotic? So Says President Trump!

No, Mr. President, Trump, wearing a face mask is not patriotic, adhering to the United States Constitution is patriotic.

Face mask "mandates," dictates or orders from civil "authorities" -- whether on the local, state or federal level, all violate the U.S. Constitution on many levels.  The following Amendments of the Bill of Rights are being violated when we are forced to wear a face mask, or being "quarantined" -- read: house arrest: The First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth.  I urge all of my readers to read those Amendments -- if you don't have a copy of the Constitution, please get one and use it to defend your rights!

In fact, as I have written previously, Title 18, U.S. Code, section 242, makes it clear, that under the color of any law, that deprives us of our rights, is punishable by fines or imprisonment.

The Constitution supersedes any order from any authority!  In fact, if a law enforcement officer ever comes to your door to enforce a face mask dictate, or quarantine (remember, that's house arrest!), remind him or her that they swore an oath to God to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that they are still bound by that oath!  

If we don't stand up and exercise our rights, we will surly lose those rights.  If you need any more evidence of that, just look around at the restrictions placed on our liberties.  Remember too, what one of our Founding Fathers, Ben Franklin, famously quipped: if you sacrifice your liberty for "security," you deserve neither!  Let that sink in...

So, no, Mr. President, wearing a face mask is not "patriotic," it is another way to instill fear -- and control of a once-free American people...

Right now, Mr. President, you are not on our side!  Wake up, and shake off the yoke of the deep-state globalists that are influencing your decision making!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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