Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The New Berlin Wall: Which Side Are We Americans On?

It is said that if we don't learn from history, it will be repeated.


When we went to school, we learned about the infamous Berlin Wall that separated East from West Germany.  That symbol of enslavement was built to keep a freedom-loving people from -- living free!


The Wall was part of what was to become the "Iron Curtain," that was established after World War II, when the old Soviet Union entered Berlin and gobbled-up much of Eastern Europe.  Some would call the Iron Curtain imaginary, but try telling that to those people that were under the heavy-handed reign of Communism.  Not only was there little economic opportunity, there was the more important elements of fear and control over the residents of the various Eastern European states.


The Berlin Wall was the focal point of world attention for many reasons, one being the nearly 100,000 attempts of escaping from the East (Communist controlled) section of Germany, to get to the (free) West.   About 5,000 succeeded in doing so.  However, several hundred died trying to overcome the impenetrable concrete barrier.


Even though there was a very real possibility that they would not survive their attempted escape, and could die at the hands of the heavily armed East German border guards, still, that did not dissuade their insatiable determination to be free. 


In 1989, the Wall came down.  But the memories of those who lost their physical lives are still honored and prayed for to this very day...


That was Germany.  Look what has, and is, happening right here in the United States of America...


We are now living under the illegal, immoral, unconstitutional mandates from civil and medical "authorities" demanding that we submit to their tyranny by wearing an ineffective face-mask, or being prevented from going to church, or if we can go to church, from singing our praises to God almighty!


There is a good possibility that a second lockdown will be implemented across our beloved nation.   But even worse, we may have to stick out our arms and be forcibly vaccinated.  This is something that we free Americans cannot let happen.


Very shortly, we will have to make the painful, yet necessary decision, to stand on the right side of "The New Berlin Wall." 


Child psychiatrist, Dr. Mark McDonald said this:  “This little girl was completely well and completely healthy until this pandemic began.  The pandemic, in my mind, is not so much a medical pandemic. It’s an emotional pandemic...  And this emotional pandemic is based on and centered around fear.”


Strength and honor!


Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...


Gene DeLalla


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