Saturday, July 25, 2020

Is Immorality And The Chaos We See In American Society Today, Related?

I'm not just talking about sexual immorality, but also the "immorality" of the mind and the inability to judge rightly.

It is a known fact, from history, and the Bible, that when a people turn from their Creator, and make unto themselves a craven image, and reject God, He will allow the operation of error to enter their intellect and their decision-making process.

What we also know from Biblical teaching, is that there will come a time when a person will think he is doing the will of God by mistreating or killing their brothers, sisters, or neighbors.

Are there examples of this?  Absolutely.  Take for example, the slaughter that takes place on a daily basis specifically directed at the pre-born by the likes of Murder, Inc., a.k.a., "planned parenthood."  

But such a killing machine is only one immoral entity that thinks they are doing a service to God -- more obviously, for filthy lucre's sake...  We know, however, what they are really doing is a "service" to Satan, their god...

Pre-born life has been so cheapened to the point of the innocent baby being -- legally -- torn apart and discarded as trash, or if the baby survives the attempt to kill her, we have read the horror stories of such babies being thrown into the trash and left to die cold, and alone.  And now it has been revealed that some of those precious, little lives are sold to the highest bidder!  These sick, heartless actions, by those heavily influenced by the demon, can no longer recognize evil from good; right from wrong.  

Let me continue to make the connection between the near-total destruction of the sanctity of life, and chaos of burning and looting we see in some of our major cities across the country.  The pretense for these "demonstrations" has been the death of a black American at the hands of some bad-apple police officers.  

But we know better...

The anarchists (Marxists), and the so-called "black lives matter," are nothing more than thugs and gangsters.  Their stated goal is to destroy the family unit, and the Republic.  These outlaws have become emboldened by weak-kneed, liberal politicians afraid of their own shadows, instructing their police to stand-down, allowing the beating and killing of the innocent, and the destruction of homes and businesses.  In effect, they are the real thugs and gangsters, in other words, they too, are the enemy of the law-abiding...

Here's the rest of the story...

Let's turn to the "Catholic" church, and see what is happening behind the closed doors, not only in the Vatican, but also in some of the major dioceses in America, as well as in most of the nations of the West...

The massive infiltration that took place several generations ago by Communists and sexual deviants, has now produced the evil fruit that we presently see, in the form of financial and moral corruption, and more importantly than that, is the betrayal of Christ, their Master...

Is it any wonder why the Marxists and other anarchists are enjoying such incredible success in tearing apart the American fabric?   Keep in mind, that as the church goes, so goes society, this is an obvious, undeniable fact...
And a majority of the blame falls on the shoulders of those false shepherds that are currently in control of the parallel church that carries the august handle of "Catholic," but their version of Catholicism is an allusion meant to subvert the true message and the mandate of Christ: to preach and baptize all nations.  Our Lord also told us that we would be persecuted for His namesake.  That prediction has come true in spades!

With the extreme weakness in the Church, coupled with what Pope Pius XII said of the Modernists reducing the Dogma of Christ's church, that outside of His earthly kingdom (the church militant), no one can enter His heavenly kingdom (the church triumphant), to a meaningless formula, is the main ingredient to the religious indifference we hear being preached from the pulpit in the new-order church... This denial started long before the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council, but culminated in a new regime aimed at killing-off the Traditional Latin Mass, and most importantly, the absolute belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.  Recent research shows that nearly 70 percent of those who claim to be Catholic, no longer believe that Our Lord is truly present after the priest consecrates the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ...

Christ or chaos?  The answer is self-evident.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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