Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Our Black American Brothers And Sisters Are Being Killed At The Hands Of -- Other Black "Americans"...

This is being perpetrated by outlaws, drug lords, criminals, anarchists, insurrectionists, seditious thugs, and other monsters intent on wreaking havoc and chaos -- among their own people, and America!  

Think about this: over the July 4th weekend, Chicago, Atlanta and New York City have now become actual war zones, in some cases, with little attempt to arrest and put behind bars, those responsible for their crimes.   The combined number of people shot in those three cities is over 200, with 40 killed.  The overwhelming majority of the victims were black Americans, shot by other black "Americans."  
Note too, that those -- and other bloodied cities -- are under the absolute, despotic control of leftist Democratic mayors, hell-bent on defunding the police and dismantling the institutions that make up our American heritage...

Does this sound like Iraq or Afghanistan, instead of America?

It is not only about rampant drug use and the fight to "protect" their respective, very lucrative territories; it is also about destroying the rule of law so those miscreants can turn the streets into a jungle dominated by wild animals.  

In addition, the Marxist/Communists who are attacking our institutions, know that along with the family unit, comes organized religion; the last bastion of defense that stands in the way of a complete transformation of our beloved nation where the state becomes god.

It is a sad fact, that those who are crying for "justice," are the vey same people -- many of them black -- who are beating and killing their own race, and eradicating black-owned businesses that folks poured their blood, sweat and tears to build up, only to see it torn down and burned. 

If a person or group wants to -- peacefully -- protest and redress a grievance, that is our right as Americans, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  But when those "protests" are designed in the first place to be violent, then the line has been crossed, and those who burn, loot and destroy private property and businesses, must be met with a force that neutralizes the insurrection, and restores the rule of law.

We, as freedom-loving Americans, are facing the challenge of our lives, not only to maintain civility in society, but also -- and especially -- defending the church, where it seems, most of the media -- and clergy -- are maintaining a complicit silence when it comes to the attacks on our churches, statues (sacramentals) and monuments.

Who or what is the answer?

Simply put, if we put our trust in a particular person, whether politician or church leader, we will fail in our efforts to right the anger and wrongs we see around us.  But, if we turn our minds, hearts and souls to Christ, Our Lord, we will enter the inner harbor of peace, and safety from the raging seas of uncertainty and despair.

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla   


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