Monday, July 13, 2020

Lunacy Or Tyranny -- Or Both?

Are you able to go to church where you live?

If so, that is a good thing...

Are you "allowed" to sing in a choir in your church?

If so, that is also a good thing; to lift up your voice in praise to God almighty.

If you live in California, however, you might be able to go to church, that is, if you keep your distance from others, and keep the congregation down to 50 or so, or whatever the dictated number is, but if you attempt to sing in church, you might have your services shut down; the doors to your church locked, or you might get arrested!  At least according to the governor of California, Newsom.

(By the way, Newsom is a supposed "Catholic," and was taught by the Jesuits.   I think that says it all; right?) 

Think about that for one moment... A governor of a state has told you -- or me -- that singing in church is prohibited!

Is that lunacy or tyranny -- or both?

It is plain for all to see, that when someone apostatizes from the faith, they open themselves up to stupidity or worse; evil, as is evidenced by the fact that Newsome is wholeheartedly in support of the killing of the pre-born up to birth, as well as homosexuality, and other bizarre and deadly mortal sins of the flesh...

Why is Newsome demanding that singing in church not be "allowed"?  Because, according to him, singing in church can cause the spread of the so-called Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.

Does he really and truly believe this?

I don't think so...

What is really behind such an outrageous violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, is not concern about spreading a faux "pandemic," but rather it is about the abuse of his power and control of the citizens of California.

And that's the key element here: control -- and dependence on the bloated and morally bankrupt government.  The state then becomes "god," and you and I will be dependent (enslaved) on Big Brother for all of life's necessities.  Our freedoms, however, will no longer exist!

Now, more and more brainwashed mayors and governors (yes, even some thickheaded Republican governors) have made wearing a face-mask mandatory!

What's the next step?

Mandatory vaccinations, of course.  If not this summer, then the fall or winter, when the seasonal flu hits the population.  The political and medical "authorities" will swear up and down -- without evidence -- that all those who have flu-like symptoms, will be classified as having the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  

This is not an exaggeration... The CDC's own website has a footnote to the supposed COVID-19 death totals that reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

I have posted that footnote many times in my previous articles, but it needs to be repeated over and over again to show the very real fear tactics being used to justify and enforce another potential lockdown.

If another un-Constitutional lockdown is mandated, remember that if a person is not sick, it is a house arrest, not a quarantine

Unwarranted house arrest is a violation of Title 18, U.S.C. (United States Code), Section 242 -- under the color of law...

I urge all my readers to look up title 18 U.S.C., section 242; print it out and keep it handy, especially if some officer, or political representative, comes to your door to enforce a house arrest or mandated wearing of a face-mask Remind that person that they swore an oath to God to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States; that oath is still binding, and supersedes all other orders and dictates of mayors or governors.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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