Thursday, July 30, 2020

S E D I T I O N!!

Seditionconduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

So, who is being seditious in our nation today?

Is it the law-abiding? 

Is it those Americans who believe in the (God-given) rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, especially the First Amendment: the right to peaceably assemble, and to exercise our right to practice our religion, along with the power and means to do just that, in the Second?


It is those individuals and organizations that are not only anti-American, but also anti-Christ, that are burning, looting, and destroying significant sections of some of our major cities. Most especially those cities dominated by a leftist, Democratic machine intent on transforming our beloved country into some sort of "big brother utopia" where the state is god.  And make no mistake, their version of "god" is one that demands complete submission to its diabolical agenda, or else.  This has been proven time and time again.  And if we are not careful, history will repeat itself with a vengeance.

Do not take my word for it, just look around and see -- and listen -- to the actions and the words of our elected representatives who recently "questioned" Attorney General, Barr, in Congressional hearings: their intent was not to get answers, but to force-feed their twisted attacks and opinions on the General, without giving him a chance to respond.  This is not free speech: this was a vicious, controlled attack right out of the Marxist playbook... 

So, dear readers, it will be incumbent upon us freedom-loving Americans to put these seditious monsters in their place, and vote them out of office, post-haste, because it is they who give aid and succor to these insurrectionist demons.   

November is right around the corner... It's up to us to deliver a decisive blow to their anti-God agenda to enslave His faithful, and destroy the foremost building-block of society: the family...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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