Thursday, July 2, 2020

Pre-Born Black Baby Lives Matter...

Pre-Born Black Baby Lives Matter...

Does this really need to be said, or written about?

Has the Natural Law and common sense been thrown into the dustbin of history, requiring someone to remind humankind that all lives matter?  Especially those tiny lives that cannot fend for themselves?

As an example, yesterday, July 1, 2020, the Missouri Supreme Court has decided that taxpayer monies have to continue to support the killing of babies in the last abortion mill in the "show me state."  The ruling was incredibly lopsided at 6 to 1.  Apparently, only one judge still maintains some semblance of sanity and humanity, regarding the gift of life given to us by God almighty...

The Republican, "pro-life" governor, Michael Parson, has decided not to appeal or challenge the ruling...  Thanks for nothing, governor.

The abortion "clinic" is located in St. Louis -- ironic, isn't it, that a city named after a Catholic Saint, King St. Louis IX of France, is the epicenter of the slaughter of the most vulnerable of our species?

I would bet that the majority of those babies killed in the St. Louis murder mill, are non-white, i.e., black.  My assertion is borne out by the fact that black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, yet account for at least 34 percent of all abortions performed in our country!

I have one question: where is the outcry from the so-called "black lives matter" crowd?  Why aren't they protesting up and down Main Street, USA, calling out and demanding an end to the brutality involved in the dismembering or the chemical dissolving of their black brothers and sisters? 

They're nowhere to be found...

But!  They will purposely tear the country apart to implement their Marxist agenda, under the guise of protesting the injustice of "police brutality," knowing full-well that any opposition to their insurrection, whether from white -- or black -- Americans, will result in verbal, if not physical attacks.  

Add to this madness, is the weak-kneed response -- or none at all! -- from liberal mayors or governors, allowing mobs of thugs to roam the streets, burning, looting, and killing, both police and civilians; white and black...

I don't know where all this will lead, but one thing is for certain: there may come a time when the law-abiding citizen will have to protect, not only ourselves and our property, but also the very sanctity of life.  If the courts don't have the gumption to protect the little, pre-born babies, then we may have to...

Satan, the father of lies is alive and well...

Pray for our country, now more than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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