Monday, July 6, 2020

Wuhan (COVID-19) Virus, And The Infamous Footnote No. One From The CDC's Own Website...

The MEDIA is reporting 132,007 deaths, in the U.S., supposedly from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  The CDC, however, is reporting 112,700.

So, who is reporting the correct number?  Why the discrepancy? 

First of all, I contest the CDC's number of 112,700, not because of my opinion, but because of the information provided on their own website.

What I'm talking about is the now-infamous "footnote No. one," located in the "small print" beneath all the categories of deaths from the various viruses that are now -- and always have been with us, such as the flu, pneumonia, etc...

Here is that footnote:  "Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19..."

With that footnote, it is easy to conclude that it is almost impossible to determine the actual number of deaths from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  But one thing is for sure: the medical "experts" and the complicit media are in cahoots to present a dire picture of a non-existent "plandemic".   

It is also now known that anyone who dies from any cause is, or has been listed, as dying from COVID-19 virus!   

Again, this is not my opinion, but that explanation has emanated right from the mouth of Dr. Birx, saying that those who were presumed or assumed to have the virus, is listed as actually having the virus!  Is that science?   Any real scientist would be appalled at such stupidity!

Can anyone imagine an engineer working for NASA, telling his supervisor: "Well, I presume the heat shield will work and the astronauts will not burn-up upon re-entry."  Or, "I assume the O-ring seal will work." 

What?  If I was the flight director, I'd fire that engineer in a New York minute!

Does truth no longer matter?  It seems not, just so long as the agenda of fear and panic -- and control -- can continue unabated.

Far too many Americans, it seems, no longer have the desire or ability to question the official narrative of the government or medical authorities...

It is also a fact, that the death rates, supposedly from the virus, continue to fall to negligible levels.  So now, the game has become "the surge in new cases."  That has become the focus of the numbers that is daily drilled into the heads of the public in order to scare the gullible, and start a second lock-down., including the shuttering of our church doors -- again!

What's their next step?

The mandatory wearing of ineffective face masks?  That too, has already started...  

After that?

Mandatory vaccines?  

What will you do? 

What Un-constitutional, illicit orders will you obey, or not obey?

Will you resist and uphold and defend your rights given to us by God, and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?    

Pray for strength for what is surely coming down the road...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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