Monday, July 20, 2020

Atheists Now In-Charge Of The "Catholic" Church...

This is not something new.

Before I continue, let me say that there is one Catholic Church, not two, but what we are seeing, not only in America, but also in most Western nations, is a "parallel church"; it resembles the true church only outwardly, in some ways, but inwardly they are nothing but faithless, ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing.  

In this past Sunday's Gospel, Our Lord warns us of false shepherds that would infiltrate His church.

In fact, here are some definitions of the word false:  1. Not according with truth or fact; incorrect. 2. Appearing to be the thing denoted; deliberately made or meant to deceive. 3. Illusory; not actually so. 4. Treacherous; unfaithful.

It is a known fact that Communists, as well as sexually deviant males, were specifically recruited to enter the seminaries, to become priests, then rise through the ranks to become bishops, and cardinals.  This was confirmed by the testimony of Bella Dodd who testified before the Congress of the U.S. back in the early 1950s.  She, a former Communist, who would eventually convert back to the Church before she died...  

Dodd was only one of at least several "recruiters" tasked by the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union, to bring Communists (atheists) into the church and bring her down from within...

To date, I truly believe that this massive infiltration has been enormously successful, and is quite obvious by their evil fruits!

We can look at the treasonous agreement concocted between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist government to approve bishops appointed by the Communist Party, undercutting the real Catholic bishops, and driving them further underground.  Retired Cardinal Zen corroborates this poisonous betrayal of the real Catholic flock in China...The "patriotic church" looks like the church, but in reality, it is nothing but an empty shell; a slow poison drank by an unsuspecting flock, slowly being brainwashed into the Marxist or Maoist ideology of the Big Brother state... 

For those Communists that entered the seminaries, and were ordained into the Catholic priesthood, let me say from the outset, that those are not real priests, bishops or cardinals; they can't be!

Let me make an analogy between the sacrament of Holy Orders, and the sacrament of Holy Matrimony...

If a Catholic couple got married in the Church, but one of the spouses hid something serious regarding faith or morals, and it became known after the marriage, it would render that marriage null and void.  The same must be true for any Communist -- atheist -- that is "ordained" to the priesthood, that male is not a priest; the sacrament is null and void.  In fact, that individual commits a sacrilege when receiving the sacrament while in that evil state, similar to a communicant that receives Our Lord while knowingly in a state of mortal sin.  I could very easily name numerous "Catholic" politicians that do so regularly... That fact alone, shows me that they do not believe in the Real Presence, nor church teaching, among other things...

With the news of the deepening corruption in the "parallel church," regarding not only the homosexual abuse scandals, and Communist infiltration, but also the fraudulent financial dealings between the Vatican and Red China, is there any doubt as to why so many have left, or decided not to enter the new-world-order church?  

The drastic mistake that those folks have made, is that they were not in the real Catholic Church, but that phony entity masquerading as the Church!   This is what happens when the flock accepts without question, everything that's spoon-fed to them on a silver platter, unable or unwilling to research and buck the status-quo...

The Atheists Are Now In-Charge Of The "Catholic Church"...

The good news, is that there is a Remnant, an Elect, that will never be abandoned by Our Lord.  That should give us hope and courage to face the persecution of the faithful, that is surly coming down the road.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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