Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Don't Wear A Mask -- Part Three...

Just a few short weeks ago, Drs. Fauci, Birx, the Surgeon General, et al, said over and over again, that wearing a face-mask is not the thing to do, but also it was/is unhealthy to do so.  

But now, apparently, it seems the veil has been lifted from the eyes of these "experts," and they want everyone on earth to wear a face-mask.  

What changed?

Perhaps they didn't -- yet -- have enough control over the American populace?   

What we are facing is a massive phycological operation of fear and control.

It should be noted that even the N-95 mask can only filter out down to three (3) microns, while the so-called COVID-19 virus is microscopic: less than one (1) micron in size.   Most people seem to be wearing a simple paper or cloth mask which may provide some measure of safety, at least in their minds, but in reality, will do nothing to filter out or prevent even a common cold or flu bug virus...

The overall plan has been very successful in creating angst and even anger toward the American public who know that wearing a mask is useless, and decide to "buck the system;" enter stores, only to be verbally, and even physically attacked!  

The indoctrination is nearly complete!  Imagine attacking a fellow American in a store because someone is not capitulating to the mass hysteria of the face-mask tyrants...

Know, that the dictates or orders of various local, as well as state agencies, demanding obedience, whether wearing a face-mask, or staying at home, are all un-Constitutional, and violate U.S. Code 18, section 242: acting under the color of any law, making it a crime to do so...

Now that we know that wearing a face-mask does little to protect anyone from a flu bug, we can easily figure out that the overall plan that has been implemented was done in order to prepare a formerly free people for the coming mandatory vaccinations.  

Will you, or your family, submit to such untested, untried vaccines?   

 Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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