Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Attack On Truth Continues Unabated...

Remember, if a lie is told often enough, and long enough, it undergoes a magical form of alchemy, turning that lie into "truth."

Just think what you can do with a piece of tin, iron, or steel, and turn that into silver or gold!  You'd be a multimillionaire in very short order!

In the world of the current "pandemic" of the Wuhan virus (COVID-19), the lie has become the truth, and those who oppose it, or even question it, are now the enemy, and conspiracy deplorables who will not obey the dictates of the civil and medical "authorities."  

In all my years, not only as a patriot, but also as a Catholic who looks to the Church for leadership and guidance, I have never seen nor heard such wholesale acceptance of a lie-turned-"truth" with little or no resistance.  

How can this be?

One reason is the great apostacy from the faith, not only from the laity, but even more importantly, from those shepherds that were given the command to instruct and protect the flock from attack by the ravenous wolves who seek to devour us as a roaring lion (St. Peter).

The extreme weakness in the church is one of the key ingredients that has fostered the extremism we see in society, both in the twisting of truth, and in the destruction of the rule of law and order, as has been evidenced by the absolute anarchy that we have all witnessed, over the last few weeks.

The new "truth" has the objective to enslave us; destroy our liberties and instill fear and panic in the American public in order to accomplish their hellish agenda to transform our Republic into an anti-God, anti-family, socialist/Marxist utopia.

Their first step was to shutter church doors; restrict gatherings; prevent visiting sick relatives and friends in hospitals; force the wearing of face masks, and shut down small businesses, has been incredibly  successful.  And now that some businesses and churches have reopened on a limited basis, they have already been targeted for shutdown, once again, because of another "surge" in "new cases" of the virus...

Little attention is being paid to the actual science and statistics that show a massive decrease in total deaths from the virus.  Some good and viable sources contend that the manner in which cases are identified, and those who have died from the Wuhan virus, are invalid to begin with.  

From the evidence in the public domain, and that includes such facts that can be read on the CDC's own website, it is very clear to see that the numbers have been manipulated to such an extent, as to have little faith in what they, or the media presents to us on a daily basis.  One important factor in reaching the numbers we read about, are those who are assumed or presumed to have the virus, are counted as having it!

That doesn't sound like science to me...

What this whole scenario is really about, is the hate for all forms of human life, from conception to natural death.  And, above all, to keep the killing of the pre-born "legal" and available for any reason, up to actual birth...

If those who are ill, can be treated with such contempt, with family kept away from their loved ones, and pre-born babies can be slaughtered in the womb, then this furthers the cheapening of the God-given gift of life. 

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion as well as contraception.  And pray too, for the truth to set us free...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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