Monday, July 27, 2020

Chief "Justice" John Roberts ("Conservative" "Catholic") Votes To Bury The First Amendment -- That Guarantees Our Right To Freely Practice Our Religion!!

Here we go again... 

Chief "justice" John Roberts of the U.S. "supreme court," voted -- AGAIN -- with the four ultra-liberals on the court, to help bury the First Amendment that guarantees our right -- given to us by God, not government -- to practice our religion.

You have read it right: John -- I have lost my mind, "conservative," "Catholic" -- Roberts sided with the court's four anti-Christ liberals to stifle those American citizens of the state of Nevada (and by extension, all Americans), telling those who want to worship God almighty, that they must adhere to the unlawful, illegal order that the governor of Nevada issued regarding the number of people that can gather in a church for services.  


Want to gamble in the casinos on Sunday in Nevada? No problem.  In fact, that's what Nevada is all about: gambling.  

You see, my dear readers, it all depends on the bottom line, that is, money, and not God-given common sense, or our duty to render to God, the things that are God's.

Be warned!  The First Amendment has been torn asunder -- again.  This time, however, it just might be the death knell to our cherished right to practice our faith without government interference.  

This is not an exaggeration...

There are nine unelected, rogue, blacked-robed "justices" that are appointed -- for life -- to legislate from the bench, to make unconstitutional decisions that affect the lives of all Americans...

Keep in mind, that there are three branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branch.  But the separation of powers has long since past into history at the expense of our liberties and freedoms.  

We, as a nation, continue to sink into lawlessness, not only in the streets, but even more importantly, in and through the courts of our land.  

I urge all my readers to read the Constitution of the United States of America, and also the Declaration of Independence, especially the passage where the Founders admonish us to throw-off an abusive, despotic government, and start over again... That, by the way, is the main reason for the Second Amendment!!

Know your rights or you and I will lose those rights.  

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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