Tuesday, June 30, 2020

"Trickle Down" Culture Of Death...

For those of my readers who are old enough to remember the presidency of Ronald Reagan, you might also remember the Democrats referring to Reagan's economic policies as "trickle down." 

Government economic plans can work from the top: the implementation of the policy; filtering down to those businesses who are the main source of new jobs and employment opportunities; to the employee; to his paycheck; to his buying; to more demand; to produce more supply, and so on...

Their characterization was not in the least meant to be complimentary.  It was meant to mock his policies to point out that they didn't work, but guess what?  They did in fact work to one degree or another, much to the consternation of the left.

That was in the economic realm.

Today, however, we have a much more sinister, much more heinous "trickle down" phenomenon: the culture of death.

It does start from the top -- from the highest court in the land. in the secular realm.   And from the very Chair of St. Peter in the Catholic Church; the extreme weakness in its human element, working its way down to the most common denominator of mankind: his uncontrolled, base passions.  The pope is doing nothing whatever to enforce church teaching in order to fulfill its mandate of the church: the salvation of souls.  Instead we are getting social mush that only gives aid and comfort to the enemies of Christ.    

These two elements come together to form a witches brew of sin and despair right out of the playbook of satan, the father of lies...

What is the next step in the "trickle down" if those passions result in the formation of a new life?

A failed contraception, leads inexorably to the termination of that new life, by the diabolical procedure known as abortion.   To show how far the court has deviated from the Natural Law and the right to life, the court has ruled that the killing of the pre-born is "constitutional." 

Notice too, that very same Supreme Court is presently comprised of five or six Catholics. (I say five or six, because Gorsuch at one point left the Catholic Church, and attended some denomination of Protestantism.)   But whether it is five or six Catholics, the point is that for some inexplicable reason, they have failed to apply their faith to their rulings.  

"Wait!" you say.  "There is separation of church and state!"

Actually, there isn't.  It is nowhere to be found in the Constitution.  The First Amendment is always sighted to "prove" it, but, again, it's not there.

I contend that even if it was in the Constitution, the justices on the court have not only betrayed their faith, they have betrayed the Natural Law (an extension of divinely revealed law from God) -- and have lost all common sense, to boot.

We also see the "trickle down" of the overall loss of the sanctity of life, not only in the killing of the pre-born, but also the brutal slaughter taking place on the streets of our major cities, especially those of Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and several others, making Afghanistan look almost peaceable in comparison...

Those cities, along with others, are, and have been Democratically controlled for decades, with failed economic and social policies depriving the law-abiding citizen his right to carry pistols or revolvers for self-defense, or for the defense of his family.  Their current policies allow the outlaw; the criminal to roam the streets killing almost at will, knowing full-well that he can get whatever weapon he wants for the right price.  Put that together with the insatiable appetite for drugs, and you have a recipe for disaster, as was witnessed this past weekend in Chicago: 60 people shot, and 16 killed, including a 10-year-old, and a one-year-old!   

What I have just described, is not an isolated occurrence, but one that happens almost every, single weekend. 

The city of Chicago has become an actual war-zone.  

The "trickle down" of evil, i.e., Antifa, the avowed Marxists, so-called "black lives matter," and their radical anti-life, anti-freedom supporters funneling many millions of dollars into their devilish cause, has created chaos and wanton destruction of life and property across far too many cities of our nation. 

The weak-wimps who call themselves mayors and governors of these radicalized cities and states are a major part of the problem, and are doing little to take back the streets and enforce the rule of law and order.  

Right now, the forces of evil, enshrined in what Pope John Paul II labeled "the culture of death," have the upper hand.  And unless and until the conversion of hearts and souls is accomplished by prayer and penance, little will change...

It could be that we are, indeed, living in the end times.  If this is so, it is up to us to hope and pray that our souls are in a state of sanctifying grace.  In the end, nothing matters more.  

Christ: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla  



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