Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Lying Media Just Can't Get It Straight...

What is it they can't get straight?

Well, that would take an entire book to list all their lies and distortions of the truth.

So let's just concentrate on the so-called "pandemic" of the COVID-19 ruse...

As of today, June 28, 2020, the media list 127,495 supposed deaths from the virus.  But in reality, the CDC's own website says something very different.  In fact, they list 109,188 deaths.  Keep in mind of footnote number 1 which reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.  

Why is this footnote important?  Because it leaves the door wide open, not only to misinterpretation, but also to manipulation.   That lowly footnote -- that few pay attention to -- can and is being used to perpetuate and continue fear and panic among the U.S. populace.

Just look at all those people you run into, daily, wearing face masks thinking that it will somehow filter out the Wuhan, COVID-19 virus.  

It can't.  

The virus is microscopic -- less than 1 micron in size, whereas the mask, even the N95 mask, can only filter out 3 microns.  In addition, it has now been proven that wearing a face mask quickly causes oxygen deprivation!   This is extremely dangerous to your health and well-being!   

Where have you heard that on the mainstream media?  You haven't.

And now, we are told that there is another uptick in cases, so wimp politicians -- even some so-called Republicans -- are starting to shut down -- again! -- certain businesses.  Businesses that were on the verge of bankruptcy in the first place, and may just have to close their doors permanently.  

The lies keep coming at breakneck speed regarding this "pandemic," and as those lies continue to be spread, and drilled into the heads of a gullible public, it becomes the "truth"...

I am totally disgusted with the loss of manhood and womanhood in this nation: the inability to question, research, and decide for oneself.  Instead, many are taking the easy way out; buying whatever the official narrative is as presented by the government or medical "experts".   

This is now a disaster, as if it weren't before... 

Add, too, the monsters who are looting and burning all in the name of "justice" and "equality," and you have mayhem and the loss of the will to fight back to preserve our American way of life, including the freedom to worship our good God.  And that is the end game, to remove God and family from our minds and hearts!

Make no mistake, there are not only Marxists in the streets, they are in the Congress and the Senate of the United States of America!  It's just that they wear three-piece suits and dresses.

The complicit media are part of that group who would like nothing better than to see the Republic topple to the ground as they applaud the toppling of statues of our heroes or historical figures...

Be prepared for what may be coming down your main street!

God save the Republic!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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