Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fr. Thomas Byles, Heroic Catholic Priest Of The Doomed Ship: Titanic...

It was reported that one of the builders of the ship made the blasphemous statement "that even God couldn't sink the Titanic".   Whether true or not, the reality was and is that it did sink -- on its maiden voyage at that.

Most readers know of the Titanic, mostly from the movie, or a study from the history books.  But how many know about the convert/turned Catholic priest, Fr. Thomas Byles who went down with the doomed ship?

Fr. Byles was on his way to New York City to officiate at the wedding of his younger brother, William, when the ship hit an iceberg on April 15, 1912.

As the ship was sinking, it was also reported that Fr. Byles was offered to get into a lifeboat and save himself, at least once, and possibly even twice, but he refused.  Instead, he stayed with trapped passengers, hearing confessions, granting absolution, and praying as the Titanic quickly sunk beneath the cold, North Atlantic waters...

The body of Fr. Byles was never found, or if it was, it was not recognizable, so he was officially listed as "missing."  

It should be noted that Pope St. Pius X called him a martyr for the faith.  Since then, there has been a move to start the process leading to sainthood for Fr. Byles...

The story of Fr. Byles came to my attention many years ago, and brings to mind an analogy of what a true priest/shepherd should be, and do, in times of tribulation, or even facing death to fulfill the mandate of Christ -- to preach and baptize all nations.

Fr. Byles didn't leave the "ark" -- the Titanic in this case, but instead stood fast in the face of certain death.  He didn't desert his flock when the savage and ravenous wolves were at the gate ready to attack the sheep.  He faced the "wolf" of death, and gave aid and comfort to the souls under his charge, all the way up to his last breath, before sinking beneath the waves.   He could have saved his earthly, physical life, but chose to win the crown of eternal, supernatural life.

I have no doubt that Fr. Byles saved some poor sinners' souls -- at the last moment of his and their lives, just at the "Good Thief" confessed his faith in Christ as he hung dying alongside his Savior...

Wouldn't it be wonderful -- inspiring -- if our Catholic bishops looked to the great example of service and commitment that Fr. Byles exhibited on that fateful day, April 15, 1912?

The bishops failed to stand up to the ungodly civil and medical "authorities" that demanded that our church doors be shut and locked for fear of a strain of the flu bug.   

Don't they see that they put all their "eggs in one basket" of capitulation, along with fear and dread because of the threat of punishment, arrest, or fines if they defied the powers that be, and allowed the faithful to receive the spiritual medicine of eternal life?

Sure, the doors of most churches are slowly beginning to reopen -- some with severe requirements at best.  But what if the "authorities" pronounce that there is a second wave of the virus heading our way?  Will the bishops tell their priests to shut the doors of our churches?   Will the bishops desert the real Ark of the Covenant a second time?

The question then begs: will the faithful stand by and accept such a mandate -- again?  

I pray that we have the guts and determination to say: "NO!  Not again; not this time!"

Pray for our country, and pray for strength for what is surely coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Thomas Byles, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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