Friday, June 26, 2020

The Slow Motion Coup D'état Is Now Quickening; The Second Round Of Lockdowns Has Started...

Just when you were "allowed" to get back to any semblance of the "new normal," Texas and Florida have now started a second round of lockdowns, supposedly due to an uptick in new COVID-19 cases...

Keep in mind that almost all of those new cases, do not result in death; almost none!

What is mostly hidden in the news reports, is that the overwhelming majority of those who have tested "positive," have already recovered from the virus.

In reality, over 90-plus percent recover after showing symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).  Most of those who are hospitalized, are administered immune-killing drugs, then if that doesn't "work," then they are put on ventilators that almost ensures their ultimate demise.

Remember, when someone is listed as having COVID, and is admitted to a hospital, the hospital receives extra funds from the taxpayers.  In addition, if someone is put on a ventilator, that increases the monies paid to that hospital, regardless of the fact that ventilators, in most cases, do nothing to help, and in many cases, accelerates the death of the patient!

Make no mistake, the beginning of the new "lockdown" has been imposed out of abject fear and capitulation to tyrannical medical "authorities" along with an agenda from the leftist hate-mongers who will do anything and everything to get President Trump thrown out of office, even before the November election ballots are counted.

The incredibly inept and incoherent Democratic nominee to run against Mr. Trump, Joseph (Joe) -- I never met a baby I didn't want to kill in the womb -- Biden, has already said that if he becomes president, one of his first acts will be to force all Americans to wear dirty, filthy, ineffective face masks (unable to filter out the microscopic COVID-19 virus).  

But what is even more scary, is that the half-senile Biden will have his finger on the nuclear button!  Can anyone imagine Biden talking on the "red phone" with Xi of China, or Putin of Russia attempting to keep the world from blowing itself up?  One small "gaffe," and the next time we wake up will be in the middle of the "nuclear winter"!

The time is fast-approaching when we -- as a free people -- will have to make a critical choice: to live free, or be enslaved to the one-world-order freedom- and Christ-haters.   

Pray for strength and courage...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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