Monday, June 1, 2020

Who And What Is Behind The Anarchy And Mayhem We See All Over The Country?

Well, it finally happened...

The original demonstrations against the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd has morphed into something unbelievably ugly and destructive.  But those who initially wanted justice for Mr. Floyd, and the cop who killed him put behind bars (he has), are not the same "protestors" that we see doing the burning and looting.

So, who are those attacking American institutions and businesses?

I contend that what we are seeing is the deepest of the deep state holdovers from former president Obama and his Communist puppet masters still pulling the strings in a further attempt to take down Mr. Trump.  All their previous tactics have failed, so now they have pulled out all the stops to get the job done, regardless of further suffering of the American people imposed by their heinous actions.

These radical, anti-American nuts are nothing but pimps for violence sake, and their johns are the useful idiots who carry out their orders.  Then the question begs: where is all the money and support for these anarchists and miscreants coming from?

The answer to that question is almost too easy: those very same deep-staters including those deeply covert "intelligence" moles, such as Brennan and Clapper -- you know, the character who lied before Congress, read: committed perjury.   I would be remiss if I didn't include those hard-left media types who would relish nothing more than seeing the end of the Republic, sooner rather than later.

But it doesn't end there...

And if anyone thinks that the newly proclaimed terrorist organization, Antifa, is self-propelled and self-funded, then think again.

Much of the instigation and funds necessary to hire those pimps and their willing johns is coming from outside of the states that are seeing this massive destruction of people and property.  

It is also apparent that some of the logistics, the supplies, necessary to carry out the mayhem and destruction, can actually be seen, as pallets of bricks have been stockpiled in many cities across the country, including just a few miles from here, in Kansas City, Mo.

Where did they come from, and who supplied those bricks?

Again, look to those people and organizations determined to undermine our American way of life.  These riots and acts of anarchy have nothing to do with the cry for justice for Mr. Floyd, but is being used as a catalyst, an excuse, to carry out their diabolical agenda to take down President Trump and destroy our beloved country...

Keep your eyes and ears open, and pray for our country, now more than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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