Sunday, June 21, 2020

Staring Into The Face Of Evil...

Evil, it seems, is surrounding us on all sides...

And that evil is coming in many forms, emanating from many people that a decade or two ago, would seem to be impossible; incredible...   This is especially true if that evil comes from within an entity that is supposed to provide succor to face the challenges of this world, and help us get to the next.  

Of course I'm referring to those in the hierarchy of the church; the shepherds and priests that we depend on for spiritual nourishment.  The same can be said for those we entrust to give us good medical advice to help when we are ill, whether physically or even mentally, God forbid... 

If that is the case, and I believe it is, the question then begs: who or what can we put our trust in?  A serious question, not only for ourselves, but also -- and more importantly -- for our families and friends.  

If we have been given charge over souls, then we will be judged on how we handled our responsibility to guide and protect those souls entrusted to us, and lead them -- and ourselves -- to the heavenly beatitude.

To the extent possible, we must be obedient to those bishops and priests, that is, if they have legitimate concern for our spiritual wellbeing...

But if those same shepherds and priests become a stumbling block rather than an aid in reaching our final destiny, then they must be resisted to the face.  If necessary, that can include the man in the office of pope.

It has become painfully clear that the pontificate of Francis has turned church teaching upside down in an attempt to impose, what seems to me, a new-order "church" that is diametrically opposed to the very teachings of his Master!

I further contend that this is one of the major reasons for the chaos we see in the world, especially here in our own country where the hierarchy are more concerned with "social justice" issues instead of placing the emphasis on the salvation of souls, the chief reason for the church in the first place.

Christ shows us in the Bible that we must choose: be hot or cold for Him, but if we are lukewarm, He will spit us out like vomit...

As for ourselves, we can't accomplish this grave responsibility through our own efforts alone; it will take cooperation with, and through, the life-giving, life-saving sacraments instituted by Christ to give grace. 

I'd like to say something before I write any further... I can get pretty emotional, or should I say, dogmatic, when it comes to something, a cause, if you will, that I know may call for the ultimate sacrifice.  

Being a former military man, I like to use a military analogy at times to make a point... I think that many civilians have heard of the super-secret, supersonic SR-71 Blackbird that was developed in the 1960s, and was used as a high-altitude reconnaissance tool.  In other words, a super-spy plane that flew at the edge of space, at nearly 3,000 miles per hour.  The actual speed and ceiling are still classified as Top Secret, but the plane has since been retired, at least that's what we're told, after so many successful years of service.

We God-fearing faithful know that this life is fleeting; a tiny blip on the radar screen; here one moment, and gone the next.  Just like the Blackbird... when and if the enemy ground forces were able to see its image on their radar screens, and attempted to launch a missile to bring down the SR-71, it was already off the screen and out of range!

The evil that we see around us is but a wistful blip on the radar screen of life, there one minute and gone the next.  Our Lord tells us in the Bible that for a little while we will suffer, and in a little while we will be with Him, where torment and suffering can no longer touch us.

That's not to say that we're to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that everything is okay; just don't pay attention to that evil that threatens us.... No, not at all... We must fight that evil with whatever talents that we have been given us by our good God. To do any less, is to shirk our responsibilities, not only to ourselves, but also to those who depend on us for guidance and counsel according to our chosen state in life. 

Staring into the face of evil and doing nothing, or attempting to appease that evil, never works, and leads to a more emboldened evil, as we can see happening in some of our most heavily populated cities.  

Pray for our country now, more than ever, and pray too for the return to law and order -- and justice -- especially for those lives that are taken from us every single day by the heinous act of abortion: one of the main reasons we are undergoing this deserved chastisement from Almighty God...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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