Monday, June 15, 2020

Since "9/11," It's Been Crisis, After Crisis, After Crisis; War, After War, After War...

If truth matters, even one iota, then the beginning of the decline of our liberties and freedoms in our country, began with the "attacks" on "9/11".

I admit, that it could be argued that the erosion of those freedoms began much earlier.  For instance, when Lincoln arrested editors of some of the newspapers in the North, charging them with sedition for opposing his policies to force the South to remain in the union, ultimately leading to the war between the states. 

Lincoln also suspended the writ of habeas corpus, for all practical purposes, allowing people to rot in jail foregoing a speedy trial for any alleged crime.

In effect, Lincoln's actions violated the rights of American citizens under the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

It has been downhill ever since...

And "9/11" was the icing on the cake. 

In fact, severe restrictions on our freedoms had been written before "9/11"! 

If this is the case, and it is, how did "they" know this was going to happen in the first place??

What was the result of the "9/11" "attacks"?   

Two unnecessary, long, costly wars in the tinder-box Middle East, with thousands of our troops meeting their demise, along with almost uncountable wounded, some maimed for life.  Not to mention the raid on the treasury to the tune of several trillions of dollars...   

We still have many thousands of our troops on bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in many other countries including Europe, the Middle East, and the African continent...


We are told that we either fight the "terrorists" on their territory, or we will have to fight them on American soil.  The fact is, the real terrorists are already here and doing their dirty work on the streets of some of our major cities: it's called anarchy and insurrection.  Why haven't the troops of the most powerful military in the world been sent in to eradicate these monsters; these killers?     

Weakness?  Appeasement?  Political correctness?  

From an article by Mr. Robert Kraychik:

“Silence is violence” is a totalitarian slogan demanding compliance and reminiscent of political coercion within the former Soviet Union, said William Jacobson, professor of law at Cornell University and founder of Legal Insurrection. He offered his remarks on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

"Jacobson continued, “This is different than political correctness because one of the mottos of the current push is ‘silence is violence.’ It used to be that if you are in a campus or in a workplace, you just did your work, did your studying, kept your head down, [and] tried to stay out of trouble. That was okay. That’s not okay, anymore. It will be insisted that you participate in this, just like in the Soviet Union and in communist countries. If you worked in a factory, you had to go to the rally to support the leadership, and your failure to participate was considered a crime against the regime.”'

Far too many Americans have been completely indoctrinated into thinking that if you catch a cold, you're dead, so wear that filthy mask. 
Don't go to church to beg God's mercy and forgiveness for the extermination of over 61,000,000 -- MILLION --  pre-born American babies.  So it would seem that the anti-life terrorists have been incredibly successful in their war against life, after all, abortion is "settled law."
We are now told to prepare for the coming of the second wave of the "dreaded" COVID-19 "pandemic"...
What has happened to American manhood and American womanhood?   We will continue to capitulate to the civil and medical "authorities," living in constant fear, and dare not gather with family and friends, or enjoy some sunshine and fresh air?
Time is running out to turn our beloved nation around and convert our hearts and minds back to God almighty.  
In the long run, we get what we deserve, don't we?
Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla

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