Monday, June 8, 2020

The Indoctrination Of John Q. Public Continues Non-Stop Through Lies And Hypocrisy...

Remember "climate change"/"global warming"?

In 2008, ABC news predicted that by the year 2015, Miami and New York City would be under water, and gas would cost over $9 a gallon...

What happened?  

Nothing.   In fact, the Statue of Liberty is still standing tall overlooking New York harbor and greeting new (legal) immigrants and tourists to America.

In the Spring of 2020, we were told that a deadly strain of the flu bug was attacking China, Italy, and ultimately, America, and that up to 2,000,000 (MILLION!) would die here in the land of the free, and the home of the brave.  

It didn't happen, and it's not going to happen.  

In fact, since the first week of February, to date, the actual figures -- if you can believe the information that the CDC provides, indicate that 91,558 have died from the COVID-19 virus here in the U.S.  However, if one scrolls down and reads the footnote for that figure, you will see the following: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

This is an important distinction because information has come to light over the past several weeks that anyone who dies from any cause, is listed as having died from the coronavirus!

How can this be?

Follow the money trail...

If someone is admitted to a hospital and is tested "positive" with COVID, then the hospital gets additional funds from the government.  Further, if they are put on a (deadly!) ventilator, then the hospital gets even more funding: amounting to over $50,000 per patient!

Think about it; when a hospital is hurting for work (read: patients), they will do what they have to do -- whether their actions are ethical or not -- to survive.   The Hippocratic oath is to "first do no harm"...  It seems to me that oath has been consigned to the dustbin of history.  Why should anyone be surprised at this, when "doctors" slaughter pre-born babies in the womb for filthy lucre's sake?  

To date, the death toll from abortions -- in the U.S. -- is somewhere around 61,000,000 (MILLION) American babies.  This genocide continues to this day, with a third of that figure -- 20,000,000 (MILLION) -- being perpetrated against our black American brothers and sisters when blacks total about 14 percent of the population!

Where is the outcry?  Where are the violent demonstrations because white -- and black "doctors" and politicians -- both white and black -- continue to push for funding for Murder, Inc., a.k.a. "planned parenthood"?  

And now the latest one: the death (murder) of George Floyd, and the demonstrations, riots, looting and mayhem that followed and continues to this day...

The seditious media is very much to blame for the lawlessness we see on the streets of our country, along with Antifa and other radical leftists receiving funding from sources both domestic and foreign!

Have you seen all those liberals "taking a knee," or actually lying prostrate on the ground in front of these "demonstrators" in a show of "solidarity" or as an admission of some sort of guilt by association, mainly skin color?  

It goes like this: I'm white, therefore I'm guilty of racism.  But if you're black and you are guilty of racism, that doesn't matter a bit...

One more fact: This past weekend, over 30 people were shot in Chicago!  Since the first week of June, 16 people were shot and killed on the streets of the most gun-controlled city in the U.S., also in Chicago.   The overwhelming number of those shot and killed were black Americans -- perpetrated by black outlaws.  Did you hear anything from the mainstream media about the continuing slaughter of blacks, afraid to venture out on the streets of their own neighborhoods? 

Not a peep...

The indoctrination of John Q. Public continues unabated through lies and hypocrisy...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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