Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Lies And Brainwashing Continue Unabated...

As of June 22, 2020, the CDC's own website lists 105,992 deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).  However, the media lists 122,132 deaths!

So, who is telling the truth here??

But before we get to the answer, it is important to look at the "footnote" that the CDC has for the total deaths supposedly from COVID-19...

Here is footnote number 1: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.


That one word, presumed, opens the floodgates to exaggeration and manipulation, as well as statistics that can and have been used to stifle, not only our economy, but also used to literally alter the life-essential act of breathing by wearing an ineffective mask that collects our own germs, bacteria, saliva and airborne dirt.  Plus, denying social interaction with co-workers, family and friends, and our ability to worship our good God by shutting down our churches...

It also enables those individuals that have a heinous agenda to compromise or wipe-out our God-given rights, and turn us into third-class citizens completely dependent on an overreaching, behemoth, out-of-control centralized government.  This is what the Founders of our country warned would happen as Ben Franklin quipped: those who sacrifice their liberties for "security," deserve neither.

Who is telling the truth regarding the number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus, or COVID-19?

Neither is telling the truth, because neither is telling the public that the majority of those who died were near or above the average life-span of mankind todayIn addition, the overwhelming majority of those who passed away had serious underlying medical conditions with seriously compromised immune systems.

It has also been reported by courageous doctors and other healthcare workers, that they have been instructed to indicate all deaths be recorded as dying from the coronavirus regardless of the actual cause!

If you and I are looking for truth, we will not find it in the official narrative spoon-fed to us on a daily basis, but from alternative sources who investigate and question.  

If all one does is to swallow the lie, then we become slaves to that lie, and ever-increasing control of every aspect of our lives by the haters of freedom -- especially our freedom to worship God almighty.  

One thing that this "pandemic" has revealed is that the American populace has lost the ability to fight for truth, justice and the American way, by so easily capitulating to a false narrative repeated over and over again, until it becomes the "truth."    

"Truth?  What is truth?"   If Pilate was not able to recognize Truth Himself standing right before his eyes, how then, will we be able to recognize His truth?

Christ tells us: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believe!

Faith, always has been, and always will be the answer...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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