Friday, June 5, 2020

I Can See Right Through Your MASK...

The MASK you're wearing, will do you no good; it cannot filter out the microscopic COVID-19 virus.  It simply can't...  So, keep breathing in your own germs, bacteria, saliva and filth, so long as you feel you're doing your part to "protect" others, I guess that justifies -- in your mind -- wearing something that indicates submission, fear and control.

Unfortunately, it seems that a good portion of the American populace have fallen for the now-admitted much-less-deadly aspects of the so-called "pandemic".   Even the CDC revealed that their projected death rates from the virus was exaggerated 8- to 15-times!!

But the MASK is a symbol of something much more sinister...  In fact, I wonder how many folks realize wearing a MASK, in many jurisdictions, is illegal, because it can hide a real felon, or even a real terrorist, intent on committing some heinous act; whether robbing a bank, or worse?

So, those who are required to wear a MASK are, in effect, committing a misdemeanor or even a felony!   But then, if you don't wear your MASK -- where it is required -- then you can be fined or worse!   In such circumstances, what will you choose?   To wear a MASK and be guilty of a crime, or not to wear a MASK and be guilty of a crime!!

What a choice in "free" America!

Of course, the MASK is only one aspect of a country gone almost completely mad with political correctness.  Note some police officers -- even their commanders -- are taking a knee in a show of "solidarity" with the "demonstrators"!

If I know anything, I know this: appeasement never appeases those intent on accomplishing their agenda, whether for the good -- or evil...

Law enforcement cannot appease anarchy and insurrection, only a force greater than the initial threat must be applied to restore law, peace, and JUSTICE!

Further; appeasement or political correctness steals manhood and womanhood, and can potentially morph them into some form of subservient slave forgetting their God-given rights, and sacrificing liberty for "security" and "safety."

Remember Ben Franklin's admonishment to the nascent United Colonies: if you do, in fact, sacrifice your liberties for security, you deserve neither...  

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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