Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"Mission Creep" And The Incredible Success Of Evil...

In the military, we call the addition of troops to a campaign; or policy dictated by the civilian authority used as an excuse to further, or initiate a campaign in the first place, as mission creep...

In a similar sense, we can use the "boiling the frog" analogy: slowly turn up the heat, and soon it's too late for the little frog, finding itself boiled to death...

Today, we find ourselves right smack in the middle of "mission creep," and this time we are witnessing the incredible success of the forces of evil attempting to destroy our country and our traditions of God, country and family.

We know that America has enemies, both foreign and domestic, but how did those enemies achieve such incredible success, not only in our country, but also in most of the Western world?

Look at the anarchy, insurrection, death, and destruction of personal property and businesses currently sweeping the nation almost every day and especially at night...

Sure, some of the culprits are easily recognizable, but how about those in the "deep state," and their minions and supporters on the outer perimeter of our government?

First, let's take a look at what our Lord tells us: by their fruits will you know them...

This is true in the secular world, but also in the ecclesiastical world as well.

I contend the rotten fruits that we see in the ecclesiastical world are just as important a reason for the "mission creep" of Satan -- perhaps much more important than anything that is currently happening in the civil society.  (As the Church goes, so goes society.)

Second, over the last several centuries, the Catholic church has been under attack from without -- the recognizable enemy -- but also from within; from her own, corrupt clergy.

This infiltration of non-believers, Masons; homosexuals, and more recently, Communists, has led to a deadly watering down of the doctrines that make up the Deposit of Faith: Sacred Scripture and Tradition, leading to a denial of the core dogma of the Church: that outside the Church, there is no salvation for any human creature.

Recent studies have shown that nearly 70 percent of "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist!  This stunning revelation has contributed to many abuses since the "soft coup" known as the Second Vatican Council.

Pope John Paul II called it correctly: the silent apostacy, yet he was unable or unwilling to take on the forces that were working behind the scenes to bring down the church.  As an example, was it JPII himself that set up that despicable display of sacrilege at Assisi, or were his hands tied, and his life threatened if he opposed that massive anti-Christ phenomenon?

In addition, we have weakened U.S. bishops afraid of their own shadows, freely capitulating to the secular powers, especially during the recent false-flag "pandemic" known as the Wuhan coronavirus,  (COVID-19).   These bishops shut down our churches without any resistance, in zero defense of the faithful and their right to attend Mass.

Why is this weakness of the human element of the church so important?

Because that weakness is the chum that attracts the satanic sharks, hell-bent on devouring Christ's Elect.   And if the Catholic Church falls, civilization as we know it, falls...

Hence, the chaos we see today in our beloved country, as well as in most Western nations...

Pray for strength...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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