Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The "Silent Apostasy" Is No Longer Silent; Its Evil Has Reached Even To The Supreme Court...

There is currently in the Catholic Church a massive apostasy from the faith.  That simple statement  speaks volumes about the near-total infiltration of evil into the Mystical Body of Christ, at least in its human element.

This can readily be seen in the chaos among the hierarchy, and, as it trickles down to the those who still attend Mass on a regular basis.   

Let me make an important distinction: I am writing about those in the novus ordo, not those who attend the traditional Latin Mass in more orthodox, traditional communities of the faithful.

The difference between the two is titanic. 

As we know, the law of praying is the law of believing, and the "new order" leaves very little for the average Catholic to believe in...

But are they being taught that they must cling to the sacred Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Tradition?  

The horrible catechesis since the satanically inspired Second Vatican Council, has devastated the beliefs, and corrupted the minds of at least two generations, leading to the denial of the necessity of the Catholic Church for the salvation of one's soul.  

So, I must question those "Catholics" who occupy the chairs of the highest court in the nation: the Supreme Court.

In a recent decision, the Court added -- that's right, added -- the rights of "transgenders" as well as "gender identity" to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  In effect, that ruling made up rights to groups that did not exist 56 years ago.  And, in reality, still don't exist today!  (See my: Judicial Tyranny)

I remember the 1964 Civil Rights Act, in fact, three-and-a-half years later, I would be serving with my black brothers in Vietnam.  I mention this, because I didn't need a civil rights act to instill in me the ultimate sacrifice that I would make for my brothers next to me in a machine-gun bunker, or on a convoy, or in an observation tower tracking the enemy as they approached the base...

But the Supreme Court saw fit to add those humans who live in a world of the unnatural, and to impose their bizarre views and "rights" on those God-fearing patriots.  

I can hear it now: wait a minute, we have separation of church and state in this country, right?

Well, in reality, we don't.  It is nowhere in the Constitution.  Shocked?  Read the First Amendment for yourself... 

Here is the entire First Amendment as enshrined in our founding document: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

But now, the Supreme Court has inserted the government into our churches, as if they no longer believe in the "separation of church and state" theory!   Which is it, then?  Does it, or does it not exist??

So now, will those "transgenders" and the "gender identity" groups push their agendas on churches as well as on those business owners who fear God rather than man?

Of course, they will.  

Who are the "Catholics" on the Court?   They include Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Sotomayor, Gorsuch (may have left the church), and Kavanaugh.

It was the "Catholic" Chief Justice Roberts, and Justice Gorsuch that joined the ultra-liberals on the Court to make that demonic decision that will now be touted as "settled law."   

Sadly, President Trump has already capitulated, and said that we must live by that decision!  

I don't think so, Mr. Trump; you may live with it, but practicing Catholics call it out for what it is, and can not live with it.  This is another attack on the Church from those who claim to be Catholic.  This cannot stand, and if this comes to a Catholic church near you, you -- and I -- must resist to the face of those who support Satan over Christ!

Make no mistake, this is just the hellish beginning; it will get much worse...

Pray for our country, and pray too, for the conversion of those "Catholics" on the Supreme Court to return to their faith -- and the Natural Law...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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