Monday, June 22, 2020

Two Statues Of Blessed Junipero Serra Torn Down By Communists: One In San Francisco, And One In Los Angeles...

Over this past weekend, a statue of Blessed Junipero Serra was ripped from its pedestal in San Francisco (the home of "devout Catholic" Nancy Pelosi), and a statue of the same Saint in Los Angeles was also torn down and trampled on by the lunatic leftist Marxists...

These attacks on all things Catholic, is just the beginning, and will get much worse, before it gets any better, that is, if it ever does.

We cannot count on the police to stop or arrest these radical thugs; they were nowhere to be seen in San Francisco or L.A. as the mobs desecrated the statues of the great saint/missionary to the territory that was to become California.

So, it will be up to real Catholic men to see to it that any attacks on our churches will be repelled with the necessary force to deter and subdue the anti-God haters hell-bent on destroying the last barrier to their implementation of their leftist ideology: the Catholic Church; just as is being done in Communist China.  In fact, this current desecration of statues and images of the Saints and Martyrs is right out of the Communist playbook, and is being used by the likes of Antifa and the so-called "Black Lives Matter" insurrectionists.

Make no mistake, the time for actual physical defense of ourselves, and our churches is quickly approaching...   

Be prepared, because I have very little confidence that the police will respond and stop these lunatics in time to save those churches that so many sacrificed for down through the generations to build and preserve...

This is another reason to support and defend the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: the right to keep and bear arms...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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