Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Second Blitzkrieg...

Here is the definition of what became known as the blitzkrieg, used with great efficiency and effect at the outset of World War II by the German military.

"...is a method of warfare where the attacker, spearheaded using a force concentration of armored and motorized or mechanized infantry formations with close air support, breaks through the opponent's line of defense by short, fast, powerful attacks and then dislocates the defenders, using speed and surprise to encircle them with the help of air superiority."

In recent months, at least since March, we have been hit with the blitzkrieg of the so-called COVID-19 "pandemic" that has ruined the lives of millions of Americans, not because this strain of the flu bug that infected and killed them, but because it destroyed businesses and threw nearly 41,000,000 Americans out of work.

What this has done to the American populace is to scare, to the point of fear and panic over a much-less-deadly version of the coronavirus than previously thought, pounded into our collective heads that wearing a mask will filter-out a microscopic virus.  It won't, because it can't.

In the last week or so, we have been hit with another blitzkrieg of mass violence by radical leftist organizations such as Antifa, funded by domestic and foreign freedom-haters.

The blitzkrieg was, and is working!

Law and order is almost nonexistent in many of our major cities across the fruited plain, with self-hating, liberal-politicians who control their cities and towns calling for the defunding of their own police departments!

Not only that, we have police -- including chiefs of police -- kowtowing to the "demonstrators," even lying prostrate in a sad example of submission to the political correctness sweeping the country, with no end in sight...

The thin blue line of the police forces that separates the rule of law from anarchy, is quickly fading from memory.

The useful idiots of the hard Left think that when (or if?) the revolution succeeds they will be the "top dogs" running the show.  

How wrong they are!

Any student of history will clearly see that horrible example of the French Revolution -- that slaughtered uncountable law abiding and God-fearing citizens and clergy -- eventually turned on its own masters, sending many of the originators of that revolt against the moral and Natural Law, to the bloody guillotine. 

Notice too, how our Second Amendment rights are being attacked on all sides because the anti-American, anti-Christ demons know that unless and until they are able to enact even more gun control legislation, and restrict -- and confiscate our weapons -- they will be at a disadvantage in completely implementing their Socialist/Communist agenda to take down America...

All t
his happens when we turn our backs on our good God, and worship at the altar of man...

Are we heading for an internal conflict, a civil war?  Perhaps... 

My advice: stay alert; pray to God for guidance and strength -- and read and study the Declaration of Independence!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


  1. That's a good comparison, Gene. I mean your comparison of the events of the past few months with blitzkrieg warfare. Makes you wonder what's next. Now that the country is reeling, what are the bad guys hoping for as the knock-out punch? Could it be more violence at the Republican Convention? During the Fall Election period? I wonder what might happen during or after the trial of the Minneapolis policemen?

  2. Thanks, Bill... Good question. What I think will happen is if Trump does will re-election, we'll see something that will "trump" what has already occurred: more anarchy and insurrection, no doubt! It is important to keep alert and think about the unthinkable -- put into action the 2nd A.

    1. Hi Bill... the word should be: WIN re-election, not "will"...


Thank you for your comment.

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