Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The DEVIL Is In The Details...

Supposedly, there was a child, or children, who were raised by wild animals, taking on some of the instinctive characteristics of those wolves, cats or lions.  But the fact remains those children were and are human, not wild animals.

We know that even animals have souls, but their souls end when they die, the human soul, on the other hand, is immortal, and is destined to live with their Creator for all eternity: God wills all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth...

There are, however, roadblocks to the salvific end for which we were designed.  And that major roadblock is sin; our human weakness; our concupiscence; the misuse of our free will...

It is sure that our free will and the choices we make, determine where we will spend eternity...

Today, in our country, we see diabolical individuals using their free will to do evil, destroying the very neighborhoods they live in.  In many cases, however, we see outside agitators contributing to riot and mayhem, setting afire cars and businesses, all in reaction to the killing of a black American by white cops in Minneapolis.

But was that really the catalyst for such insurrection?

No.  It was used as a cover in another phase, another overt operation to bring our country to her knees, as well as smear and destroy the presidency of Mr. Trump, regardless of the cost in human lives and treasure...

The nighttime -- and nightmare -- scenes of the riots -- not protests! -- and the associated attacks on innocent folks trying to protect their homes or businesses are almost too much to take; too much to comprehend.  It is downright scary to any God-fearing man, woman or child to see uncontrolled hate, being perpetrated by the real fascists and their Communist sympathizers.

Those responsible for the deaths and the destruction of buildings and businesses will be held accountable, if not in this life, then certainly for sure, in the next.  All will face their Particular Judgment and will have to answer to Christ Himself for the hate of their neighbor.  Remember too, our Lord's admonishment to us that whatever we do to the least of His brethren, we do to Him.

If that doesn't scare the hell out those killers and anarchists, then I don't know what will.

In the meantime, it is incumbent on all law enforcement, and all law abiding citizens to exercise -- if necessary -- our Second Amendment rights in order to protect ourselves, our families and our neighborhoods from any marauding hordes determined to attack and destroy our way of life.

We are living in trying and dangerous times, but we also know that God is in ultimate control; He will end this chastisement just as soon as we, as a nation, turn our attention and adoration back to Him, and away from the satanic forces that hate -- not love -- our fellowmen determined to relegate the gift of life to the dustbin of history.

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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