Saturday, June 6, 2020

It's The MOB Funding The Mobs...

Who's funding the mobs?

Answer: the MOB!

The MOB is funding the rioters; the anarchists; the insurrectionists; the hate police movement; to destroy the family movement.   I can list a number of people -- and entities -- that have now put all their eggs into one sinister basket.  These entities (including some major, well-known corporations) are listed in the public domain, and are readily available to anyone who is willing to do the slightest research...

In a sense, this is good.  Because now we know -- for the most part -- just who and what these anti-Christ, and anti-Americans are up to and how they are doing it: tearing cities and communities apart for their own diabolical agenda...

Some of the MOB have fuzzy, warm sounding names for their organizations, convincing the gullible that they must be fighting for justice -- and reparations?   But how can most folks buy into the lies so easily?   And why can't they penetrate the façade and see what these miscreants are up to?  A major part of the answer lies in what is fed to the populace by the complicit media, and their supporters.  The indoctrination has been successful beyond their wildest dreams!

In essence, the MOB and the mobs, are one and the same.

The only difference is that the MOB  can be seen wearing three-piece suits or skirts, while the mobs wear masks and riot attire; carry weapons -- yes, even a baseball bat is a weapon, so is a frozen, plastic water bottle that can have the same effect as a brick.  These lunatics have become so bold and brazen, that pallets of bricks have been strategically located in certain parts of the cities to be used against police, law-abiding citizens, and to destroy the windows of many businesses.  Such pallets were found only a few miles from here in downtown Kansas City, Missouri...

We see on a daily basis, parts of cities set ablaze with police overwhelmed by sheer numbers of revolutionaries, either told to stand down, or simply give up and flee leaving their vehicles to be vandalized or burned.  In addition, those who are captured and arrested are almost immediately released to rejoin their anarchist brothers to continue the mayhem.

The MOB is only a symptom of much more heinous and deadly problems: the tearing down of societal norms and traditions, including kicking God out of the public sphere; along with this comes the loss of the sanctity of life.  The result: chaos.

The attempted, violent overthrow of our Republic is in full swing...  The only thing that stands between us and them is what the Founding Fathers incorporated into the Constitution: the Second Amendment!   It is now obvious that the police forces cannot protect the law-abiding, so we have to protect ourselves from the forces of evil that are hell-bent on turning our country into a Communist dominated hell-hole.

No matter what happens in the short term, we know -- do they? -- that truth and justice will win in the long term.  In the interim, we must stand together with our good God, and be ready to do what must be done to protect ourselves and our families.

It would be nice, too, if we could get some moral and spiritual support from the U.S. Catholic bishops, but it seems that most are concerned about "climate change," immigration, and a flu bug, when they should be putting their lives on the line for their flocks.

But don't hold your breath; you may turn blue before that happens...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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