Friday, June 19, 2020

Is This Or Is This Not Black Genocide?

If black lives really matter...

I bring my reader's attention to a cold, hard fact: black Americans in this country account for about 14 percent of the total population.  However, that same group of Americans make up between 34 and 40 percent of all abortions performed in the nation!

So, what is going on here?

We see demonstrations every day of the week, with black and white folks holding up their signs that read: Black Lives Matter.  These same folks are supposedly calling for racial justice, equality, and an end to "police brutality."  

Even if their cries had some legitimacy, their priorities are misplaced. 

How can there be justice and equality if a pre-born baby doesn't even have a chance to breathe air in the first place?

Are blacks killing their own?

Yes, and it seems that there is a blind spot when there is a radical, political agenda that supersedes the fundamental right to life.  

One would think that the foremost demonstration should be about the slaughter of their race by the anti-life "planned parenthood" and their ilk.  

A cursory look at history will show the planned extermination of black Americans began shortly after the war between the states, with the founding of what was to become "planned parenthood," by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger, here in the U.S., and Marie Stopes in the U.K.

Born in 1879, Sanger had opened her first birth control clinic in 1916, while Stopes opened her first birth control clinic in early 1920s England...

By the late 1920s, Stopes had such incredible effect with her prolific writings and cajoling, that at the 1930 Lambeth Conference, the Church of England adopted the idea of contraception, saying that it was no longer a sin against nature!  That diabolical capitulation to evil would open the door to abortion, as it eventually did here in the U.S. 

Sanger, the eugenicist, created "The Negro Project," in essence, this was a plan to use prominent blacks to "help" those blacks in poverty, mainly in the inner cities, by limiting the number of births by using various birth control methods.  We also know, that when contraception failed, the next step was to do away with the "mistake" through abortion...  

This plan has been so successful, that to this very day, most prominent black "civil rights leaders" and politicians, are 100 percent pro-abortion.  There are exceptions, but very few, e.g., Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Their zeal to foster the continuation of "abortion rights" by both black and white useful idiots, falls right into the hands of the demon.   The slaughter of black Americans will continue unabated unless and until hearts and minds are converted to the Author of Life, Christ Our Lord...

The hypocrites of "Black Lives Matter" know exactly what they are doing: attempting to establish a new-world-order of both chaos and despair, in a false egalitarian, socialist utopia, where tradition, freedom, and family -- the building block of society -- will be considered anathema! 

Pray for an end to contraception -- and abortion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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