Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Law Of Supply And Demand...

Most people know of the law of supply and demand...  

You can see this when you go shopping; whether buying a car, a suit jacket or bag of Florida oranges.

Generally speaking, when there is ample supply of a product, and the demand is about equal for that product, a fair, constant price is usually set.  But when there is a greater demand, and fewer products produced, then prices will usually rise.  The opposite is also generally true: more products, less demand, prices should fall...

There is another element of supply and demand that is outside of the economic realm...

If we look around at what is happening in our country -- and also in most Western nations -- there is a supply of anarchy, insurrection, looting, and generally speaking, hate, being financed by devious forces, both covert and overt, railing against supposed "police brutality" and inequality among the white and black races.

Then there is the demand by what is labeled the mainstream media that has an insatiable appetite for "news" to broadcast the demonstrations and protests -- mostly violent at that, to fulfil the demand of their audience to see the gore and gruesome beating of innocent people.   In addition, we see businesses being looted and burned, with little if any action by the police to protect and serve the citizens they were sworn to protect and serve!

There is the supply of leftists governors and mayors of some of our major cities telling their law enforcement personnel to stand down, and let the rioters run roughshod over the law abiding, meanwhile restricting those very same law-abiding folks from buying or owning a weapon to protect themselves and their families.  This action alone, nullifies the right of the people to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment...

There is a never-ending demand to continue the mayhem and destroy, not only people and property, but also to eliminate the family unit -- the primary building block of society.  

We see the supply of race-baiting by prominent black politicians and "civil rights leaders" poisoning their gullible constituents to convince them that the lives of all whites don't matter, and are, in fact, racist.

There is the demand of self-hating, self-destructing mobs -- both black and white -- to transform our Republic into something that is anathema to freedom and tradition, and most importantly, to our good God...

And that is the main goal of the revolutionaries: to "kill" God -- again, and create the god of man, just as the cry written in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of the French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity!

Satan will make available a plenteous supply to those who demand to live without the moral or Natural Law, and ultimately, without God almighty, the source of all freedom!

Pray for the soul of America...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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