Saturday, May 30, 2020

What If George Floyd Could Comment On The Riots Supposedly Being Done For "Justice"?

I didn't know George Floyd, and I'm not sure exactly what caused his death, but the fact remains that he died by the hands of a bad cop in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He is not able to speak for himself anymore, so others have taken up that chore, and rightly so...

The problem is that most of those who are speaking up for him, are not those who are really concerned about justice for the deceased, but rather concerned about an agenda that is looking more and more like an excuse to riot and loot the very neighborhoods that Mr. Floyd lived in, and beyond...

Isn't it interesting that a serious crises of injustice, in this case, the killing of a black American -- and let us remember that anyone accused of a crime of any sort, is always to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise -- has not gone to waste!   (If I remember correctly, a prominent Democratic politician --  Eric Holder, perhaps? -- uttered those same or similar words, thereby letting the cat-out-of-the-bag, so to speak, when it came to using a crises to push an agenda and accomplish a goal which otherwise would have been almost impossible to do...)

What has happened all across our land over the last several days -- and nights -- is a horrible display of violence, rioting, firebombing, death and mayhem on the streets of many large American cities.  So much destruction has been filmed and recorded, that the military police and National Guard are being called-up to bolster the police forces of the cities involved.  This is no small decision on the part of the federal government.

All these are indications of what is wrong with our country, preeminently, the loss of the sanctity of life and relegating the God who made us to second- or third-class citizenship, in favor or other forms of creature worship, thereby making man or his causes their god.

Is it really as "simple" as that?

I think it is...

Look at what has happened over the last few months here in the U.S. and abroad... The shutting down of economies world-wide (except China!), in order to stop the spread of a certain strain of the flu that originated in Communist China in the first place, and "exported" to the rest of the world.  At least this is what we were, and are being told to this very day.  And stepping up to the plate, without a whimper, were the Catholic bishops stopping all Masses, and in some cases, the administration of all the crucial sacraments necessary for spiritual health, when our physical health fails...

The secular powers that be, I am sure, were absolutely amazed at just how easy it was to implement their drastic and draconian -- immoral, illicit and unjust -- dictate to shut down the churches, and prevent the faithful from attending Mass.  Not in their wildest dreams could they have pulled that one off, after all, it took years to do the same in the old Soviet Union under Lennon and Stalin!

Of course, there is the pent-up anger and frustration from being locked-down, along with nearly 40,000,000 Americans losing their jobs, unsure of how they will be able to support their families and pay the bills.  Top all this off with those elements who infiltrate any legitimate group demonstrating for justice, with the likes of Antifa and outright Communist and Socialist radicals hell-bent on eradicating America as we know it, and you have a recipe for absolute anarchy and civil unrest.

America is burning, and the "fire departments" will have a tough time extinguishing the flames of injustice and hatred, unless and until there is a major change of heart and soul -- and conversion to God almighty...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

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