Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Brainwashing Of America By The Treasonous, Lying Mainstream Media -- And Government Officials...

Not wearing a mask when you go outside?  That is, if you even venture outside to get some fresh air and sunshine -- you just might be violating a direct order from some government official.

Don't you know you might be spreading a disease, or risk getting a life-threatening disease?

Try exercising your Constitutional rights to peacably assemble and see what happens.  Do you think you're someone special, being a God-fearing, freedom loving American?

You must obey the authoritarians or you just might be arrested and taken from your children, or your home.   Some mothers have actually been ripped apart from their crying children by badge-heavy, miscreant cops simply because they ventured out from their homes.

I ask this question: has America become Amerika, as in the Stalin-era Soviet Union, or Mao's Communist China, where, during their reign of cultural and political terror, uncountable millions of people were "re-educated," or never seen or heard from again?

Everyday, we hear the likes of Bill Gates and other population control extremists, laying out their satanic plans to "save the earth" by reducing the population to less than one billion.  Keep in mind that our earth now houses about 7 billion people.

I'm terrible at math, but I can at least add and subtract... If I'm right, that means SIX BILLION humans must be taken out, i.e., exterminated.

Those numbers should scare you.  It does me.

But that's part of the problem: we human beings are not numbers to be added or subtracted at the evil will of the globalists, but rather we are made in the image and likeness of God almighty, infused with an immortal soul that was created to be with Him for all eternity...

We are being told to snitch on our neighbors if they violate the so-called social-distancing rules, for filthy lucre's sake...

Our economy is in ruins, with about 35-40,000,000 Americans losing their jobs because of draconian shut-down orders from government and medical officials.  The unemployment rate is said to be about 20%, but it is probably closer to 25-28%, or will reach that unprecedented milestone shortly, if we don't start-up our businesses within the next week or two.   During the Great Depression, the highest rate of 24.9% was reached during 1933.

We are told this is necessary to stop the spread of the COVID-19 flu virus, yet somewhere between 20,000 and 60,000 people die each and every year from the seasonal flu, and the country remains open for business; churches remain open so we can offer sacrifice to, and worship our good God.

But no longer.

Who remembers the H1N1 version of the flu, or Ebola -- much more deadly than the current virus?  H1N1 infected almost 80,000,000 Americans, with 360,000 hospitalized, and 16-20,000 deaths.  Did we shut down the country and destroy the economy?

The media pounds into our collective heads each and every day the death rates of the COVID-19 virus.  But we now know -- from competent doctors and other healthcare workers -- how the numbers have been manipulated to increase those numbers, regardless of the actual, underlying causes of a person's demise.   Government and medical officials demand our compliance to their "suggestions" for our own good, so they say.  In essence, we are buying into their fear-mongering and panic, leading to despair and absolute control of nearly every aspect of our lives.

Far too many in the media as well as in government -- and that includes those in the Trump administration -- are traitors to our country, and our Constitution that they swore to God to protect and defend against all enemies, both foreign and domestic...

Pray for our country and our president...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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