Monday, May 18, 2020

Are The "9/11" "Attacks" And The Current "Pandemic" Related?

We all know what happened on "9/11."

Or do we?

Our senses told us that two 110-story buildings were hit by planes and were turned into powder as they fell into their own footprint.  Yet demolition experts have determined that planes alone could not have cut the massive steel core beams.  Nor could fire have compromised the steel to such a degree that the floors below, where the planes hit, gave way to allow the towers to collapse at near free-fall speed.

Then, a few hours later, another skyscraper; a 47-story building also crumbled into its own footprint,  however, it was not hit by a plane, but came down because of fires?

Yes, with our own eyes and ears, we saw and heard the horrible scenes that unfolded that day, including the loss of almost 2,500 American lives, not to mention those who died in the following years from ailments contracted from the contaminated dust of the destroyed buildings...

Is what we witnessed that day in 2001, another "Pearl Harbor"?

Is what we are currently witnessing in our country far worse than the "9/11" "attacks"?

Remember what occurred before "9/11": legislation had already been drafted in anticipation of such an event, and war games involving such an attack on buildings were in the works.  Was this a coincidence, or was it planned?

Just five years later, in 2006, the Military Commissions Act was signed by then-president George W. Bush.

One of the ominous elements of that legislation was a suspension of habeas corpus for any alien determined to be an "unlawful enemy combatant engaged in hostilities or having supported hostilities against the United States."  In time, the suspension of habeas corpus was used as a political tool to silence or incarcerate those on the right, such as the "Tea Party," or others who question any "official"  government narrative, relegating objective truth to the dustbin of history.

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(To be clear, Habeas corpus is a recourse in law challenging the reasons or conditions of a person's confinement under color of law.)

Fortunately, the Supreme Court determined that the suspension of habeas corpus was an unconstitutional infringement on that most important right.

Are the vaccines and the extreme agendas of the globalists a reaction to the current COVID-19 virus, or was it planned ahead of time?

The Left always use science to prove their point, and counter those on the Right, except when that very same science is contradicted by objective reality!  For instance, the actual numbers of those poor folks that have succumbed to the COVID-19 virus is far less than published.  In fact, those data are almost always combined with other causes of death, lessening even further the actual number of deaths due to the coronavirus.

A cursory reading of the CDC's own website (use the NVSS daily mortality tables) will show that it is presumed  that many have died from COVID-19, when in reality, it lists many other underlying factors that cause the numbers to be grossly exaggerated...

What we are witnessing, almost on a daily basis, are the unconstitutional restrictions imposed by edicts from leftist governors and medical "experts," stifling our economy and destroying our ability to earn a living for ourselves, and our families...

The stories are legion, seeing with our own eyes, as innocent Americans are attempting to exercise their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble, to go to church, or meet with family or friends.  We see arrogant, badge-heavy cops dragging handcuffed men and women, practically throwing them into vans, or even beaten for not obeying unlawful orders.

Their crime?

They wanted to get some fresh air and sunshine, or protesting the continuing shut-down of small businesses.   Nearly every single right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are being violated on a daily basis.

How much longer will the American patriot allow this godless agenda to continue?  More and more of us need to say; enough is enough.  Is it too late for the American society to completely recuperate?

Both the "9/11" attacks, and the current "pandemic" of the COVID-19 virus have trampled and suppressed our God-given rights almost overnight -- without firing a single shot!

There is only one recourse, and it's not to any one political party or politician: we must beg for mercy from God; repent, and make a firm purpose of amendment to convert our minds and hearts to do good and avoid evil...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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