Friday, May 15, 2020

People Perish For Lack Of Knowledge...

Ignorance is bliss.

No it isn't...

Lack of knowledge is causing unnecessary deaths and hardship for far too many Americans by indoctrinating John Q. Public, convincing him that the only way to stop the COVID-19 virus is to self-quarantine, and shut down our once-prosperous economy.

In essence, we are destroying our only means of providing food, shelter and other necessities for our families, neighbors and friends.

It may take years to recover, if it ever does.  That is the scary part, and it plays right into the hands of the anti-American cabal -- both in federal and state government agencies, as well as in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

As of the last reporting week, it is estimated that there are now over 36,000,000 -- MILLION!! -- Americans that have lost their jobs.

We are quickly killing our way of life, including our time-honored traditions, especially those that really matter; family cohesion and our ability to worship the God that made us.

What we are not being told, is that when we stay in place, our immune systems weaken and it lessens our ability to fight-off diseases, even the common cold.

By the way, the common cold has been around since the Fall from the Garden, yet we do not have a vaccine.  But we will have an untested, rushed vaccine for the COVID-19 virus by the fall of this year?  Is that reliable science?  Incredibly, President Trump is now on-board with the creation of a vaccine at "warp speed," and has now indicated that he will now use the military to "distribute" it to us?

Does that sound like the intention is to force-vaccinate the entire population?  It does to me.  And if that is the case, then we must implement the Declaration of Independence through the use of the Second Amendment...

Is it possible that heart disease, diabetes, the common flu, pneumonia, and other causes of death have mysteriously declined, while COVID-19 deaths continue to rise?

These pertinent facts are conveniently left out from statistics, such as the real cause of death, whether in a nursing home, hospice or hospital, is that most deaths resulted from serious underlying conditions patients had, in some cases, for many years.  Yet, the cause of death written on death certificates has been "encouraged" to be listed as COVID-19!  This fact has been disclosed by many doctors and other health-care professionals, even funeral directors.

There is big money when patients are admitted to the hospital with supposed COVID-19 and even more money when someone is put on a ventilator, to the tune of $52,000 paid to the hospital when both are combined...

We are told that we must be safe before we can re-open our small, mom-and-pop businesses and churches, but the big box stores and liquor stores have remained opened since day-one of the "pandemic."

Remember what Ben Franklin said about sacrificing our liberties for security (safety): We deserve neither!

Regardless of what is happening, or what may happen in the days to come, we have to know, love and serve God in this life, so we can be happy with Him in the next.  St. Paul tells us to keep an eye on finishing the race and winning the prize: the crown of eternal life prepared for us by Our Lord.

Pray for our country and our president...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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