Monday, May 25, 2020

Are You Sick And Tired?

Are you sick and tired of being lied to by politicians and medical "experts"?

Are you sick and tired of an unanswerable, non-governmental agency (the FED) pumping trillions of dollars into a planned, failing economy?  (This will surely lead to a massive crash in the world's reserve currency, knowing that this fiat money will cause an unimagined hellish scenario far worse than the 39,000,000 Americans currently out of work because of a strain of the flu bug.)

Are you sick and tired of the leftist media pounding into our collective heads every single day that deaths from the COVID-19 virus will pass 100,000 deaths in the U.S., knowing full-well that they lie, lie, and lie some more to scare the heck out of a gullible populace?  Are you frustrated that anyone can believe what they hear on CNN or read in the bird-cage liner, the New York Times?

Are you sick and tired of the manipulation and bloated numbers plastered on the CDC's own website regarding the coronavirus, failing to read the fine print that tells a different story, if only people will take the time to do a little reading?

Are you sick and tired of illegal orders from some bureaucrat, power-hungry control-freak telling you to stay home, or keep out of public parks, or maintain "social distancing" when you shop?

Are you sick and tired of being forced to wear a face mask that quickly gets contaminated with your own germs, saliva, and bacteria, breathing in your own filth to the detriment, not the benefit of your health?

Are you sick and tired of not being able to get to church; to Mass, because of weak-kneed bishops kowtowing to authoritarian governors or mayors that repeatedly violate our constitutional rights to peaceably assemble; to practice our religion?  Yet liquor and Walmart stores are wide open to purchase booze or dry goods?

Are you sick and tired of the real possibility that by next year we will be subject to forced vaccinations?

Are you sick and tired of seeing and hearing badge-heavy cops threatening or arresting freedom-loving Americans simply because they want to get some fresh air and sunshine; visit family and friends?

Are you sick and tired of not being able to visit a loved-one critically ill in the hospital, leaving them alone and scared, or being prevented from having a funeral for those who have passed?

Are you sick and tired of America being systematically transformed into Amerika?

Are you sick and tired of not standing up for the rights paid for with the blood of patriots (veterans)?

Are you sick and tired -- of being sick and tired?

If you are sick and tired of putting all your trust, hopes and dreams in men, then your priorities are very misplaced...

Get well and invigorated, and turn to Our Lord who sacrificed Himself for all of us.  Come into His church and receive Him in the Holy Eucharist -- the Bread of Life -- to have life in you!  (St. John, Chapter Six; KJV.)

Pray for our country -- And President Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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