Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Attorney General Barr Has Just Made A Complete Joke Of The Department Of Justice...

Is Lady Justice blindfolded, or blindsided?

Yesterday, May 18, 2020, the United States Attorney General, William Barr, announced to the nation that there is no prospect of criminal indictments of Obama administration officials who took part in the massive fake news, but real coup attempt, to remove President Trump from office.

The evidence is overwhelming that those in the deep-state spied on then-candidate Trump, and continued to do so even after he entered the Oval Office in January of 2017.

In addition, information presented to the FISA court was based on a completely made-up "dossier" -- a pack of lies -- to discredit the president and take him down.  It was used successfully to take down some of those in the immediate orbit of the president.   Other fabrications were used to entrap Trump's associates including Gen. Flynn, and confidant Roger Stone.

We know the miscreants such as former FBI Director, Comey, as well as CIA conspirators Clapper and Brennan -- all traitors, who lied to Congress, read: committed perjury, yet are they to walk free and continue amassing a fortune from publishing books on how they skirted justice?

If there was any doubt that there exists a "swamp," a "deep-state," that doubt should no longer exist in anyone's mind.  Of course, it stands to reason that John Q. Public will swallow what Barr said as gospel...  Ignorance, however, is not bliss...

There is more at work here than just a miscarriage of justice, there is pure, unadulterated evil, including many obvious violations of the Ten Commandments.  

There is something that many people are forgetting about facing justice for their actions or inactions: we will all face the Just Judge at our Particular Judgment when we draw our last breathe on this earth.

We can only hope and pray that those totalitarians, including the "swamp," the "deep-state" and any and all traitors to our country, and, even more importantly, traitors to our good God, will have their sins shown and enumerated as they await for their eternal fate.

To those who have been given much, much will be expected in return...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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