Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We're Being Set Up For Another Lockdown...

Every day, there are more articles telling us that the next COVID-19 wave will be more deadly than the first, hitting us in the fall and winter, leading to another major lockdown of American society.  We will be absolutely required to wear masks, and there is the very real possibility that unsafe, barely tested vaccinations will become mandatory.

Will you submit?

I won't.

This will continue and gain momentum as the medical kings and queens pound into our collective heads the lies and distortions of what passes for truth about the so-called COVID-19 "pandemic."  

These despots are twisting our Constitutional rights in the wind of anti-American authoritarianism, with some politicians standing in front of our Flag while spewing their version of what future "freedom" will look like.

What I write is not hyperbole, but what will very likely become the "norm," and those who dissent, will face the consequences of isolation or worse -- perhaps even martyrdom.  

These traitors cannot keep their penchant for Socialism and Communism hidden any longer, and that's a good thing!  At least we know where these malicious, useful idiots stand.  Because of this, we can plan a counterattack when the time is right.  The time for debate is just about over, and time for action is quickly approaching.

Those hell-bent on implementing these continued, draconian measures are forgetting one, major group of men -- and some women -- who have served their country with honor: Veterans.  My brothers and sisters who wore the uniform of their beloved country, will not take this transformation into slavery sitting on the sidelines.

As President Truman said many years ago: the buck stops here -- at his desk.  

President Trump owns the current economic and spiritual disaster because of his capitulation to those feeding him with false and misleading information regarding the present man-made crises.

We must pray for our country, but at the same time, prepare to stand up, not only for our rights, but also -- and especially -- for the rights of our God...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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