Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"Warp Speed" Development Of A Vaccine, Or Warped Minds?

Regardless of whether or not President Trump gets his way, and a vaccine is eventually developed at "warp speed," the psychological battle has already been won by those who wish to win absolute control of America.

The illogical, yet very successful attempt at influencing the American populace has created "warped minds," as is evident by the face-mask-wearing hysteria and the daily COVID-19 briefings totally controlled by the medical "experts" such as the corrupt Dr. A. Fauci, and his co-conspirator in fraud, Dr. Birx.

I am sickened by the complete capitulation of this fear-mongering and near destruction of the economy that has been accepted and fostered by the president.  He has betrayed his constituents and, if he doesn't fire those deep-state "experts" and return to some measure of sanity, he will not get my vote.

You say: "big deal.  You are only one vote."

Yeah, I'm just one vote...

Keep in mind, that the 36,000,000 + Americans that have lost their jobs because of the lunacy of closing down the doors of many small businesses, can add up to 36 MILLIOIN anti-Trump votes.

There is another angle to the draconian restrictions put in place by the totalitarian dictates of Christ-hating Democrat governors, and that is keeping the doors shut and locked of churches considered "non-essential."

Forbidding those who are truly God-fearing who know that their existence depends on the very essential grace that pours forth from the Hands of the Almighty!

I applaud the heroic actions of Protestant pastors and ministers who daily defy the anti-constitutional orders of most governors and mayors to keep their churches shut-down.  Many have been threatened with arrest -- or have been arrested.

Knowing Who's orders they truly must obey in order to have life, and have it fully, I ask: why aren't the Catholic bishops following the example of these Protestant pastors, and push back against the attempt to officially, and finally kick God completely out of the public sphere?

When all this nonsense first started, I called the diocese to complain about the church doors being locked and chained.  The response: "this is not open for discussion."  That came from the office of the bishop.

Semper Fi?  (Always faithful?)

I ask: to whom?

The government?

Or to Christ?

I am a former military man, who took the oath of office not once, but twice, and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  Doctors take the Hippocratic oath to first do no harm.  And Catholic bishops swear to protect the flock.

Here is a section of the what the newly consecrated bishop swears:

WE place, O Lord, on the head of this Thy Prelate and Combatant, the helmet of defense and salvation, that, having his forehead adorned, and his head guarded, by the power of both Testaments, he may appear terrible to the adversaries of the truth, and stand forward as a valiant champion against them, through the abundant grace bestowed on him by Thee...

Pray for courage and fortitude to face what is coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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