Thursday, May 28, 2020

Remember Radio Free Europe?

If you don't remember Radio Free Europe (RFE), or if you have never heard of it, please do a quick look-up on line to get a handle of why it was created in the first place.

In short, it delivered Western news and even music to those countries where a free press was, or is banned, and to counter the propaganda spoon-fed to their citizens.

Of course, one can only determine if the RFE news was itself real, and not just another slanted version of the same ideologies that had enslaved the peoples of Eastern Europe to begin with, and many other countries in the Middle East and in the old Soviet Union, now Russia.

I know what I just wrote will make the blood boil of some folks, but if we look at what is happening in our country today, and the anti-American propaganda that is spoon-fed to John Q. Public on a daily basis by the likes of CNN, or CBS, or MSNBC, or the New York Times, etc., you can see that the indoctrination has been incredibly successful.

This is true not just in the political and economic realm, but also during the ongoing "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

The well-known and widely believed government- and non-governmental agencies (NGOs), continue to use outdated and invalid models to predict the infection and death rates for this new strain of the flu.  As an example, "experts" used those models to say that America would suffer over 2,000,000 deaths from the COVID-19 virus.


The current statistics -- as reported by the mainstream media -- (as of May 28, 2020) is as follows: those infected in the U.S.: 1,735,887.  Active cases: 1,262,159.  Recovered cases: 371,956.  Fatal cases: 101,762.

But!  If you look at the CDC's own website, the statistics tell a different story...

For instance, the number of deaths from the COVID-19 virus is listed as 76,874 (as of May 27th).  Next to this figure is a footnote that reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.  Most people have died with COVID-19, not from it...

I'm sorry my dear readers, but that leaves the door wide open to distortion of the facts and outright lies.   Lies that can and are being used by the media as well as the more recognized governmental agencies for the purpose to justify the draconian lockdown of many small businesses, as well as the shuttering of our church doors, with intimidation and threats of arrest if the powers that be are not obeyed.

Nearly 40,000,000 Americans have lost their jobs, with many of those jobs permanently lost because far too many small businesses will never reopen...

Does anyone think that such an economic disaster was not planned in the first place by devious, sinister forces?  The shadow government -- some call it the "deep state" -- and media hell-bent on destroying our country with the ultimate goal of instituting an anti-American, socialist "utopia" implementing complete control of every aspect of our lives...

Remember Radio Free Europe?  Perhaps it's time for Radio Free America...

Pray for our country -- and our own sanctification and courage...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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