Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Unseen Victims Of The Draconian Shut-Down Of The Economy...

We now know the real pain and anguish that the stay-at-home orders have created; the shut-down of many small businesses.  This has caused over 30,000,000 Americans to lose their only means of providing for their families.

As bad as this is, there is unprecedented damage done to the economy.   Another segment of society that remains off the radar screen, yet suffers just the same, are those who are starving to death in third-world nations.  These are the very same nations we have been able to feed through the generosity of the American populace, and the ability of our farmers to produce enormous abundance of food-crops.

But no more...

In our country, food banks are finding it difficult to be resupplied with essential products, causing more anguish and uncertainty...

There are estimates that as many as 150,000,000 additional deaths due to starvation are becoming a reality.  Where is the outcry?  Where is the concern from the likes of such entities as the U.N., including the World Food Program (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)?  A more important question: how will these agencies replace the food that is no longer available for distribution, if not from the U.S.?  

This disaster-in-the-making fits right in with the agenda of the population control Luciferians determined to wipe out the majority of the human race, starting with the destruction of the family unit...

We see and read of the inability of many farmers to sell their produce and dairy products to their usual markets here, and abroad, forcing them to pour milk down the drain, or plow under their crops for lack of customers.

In many areas, the supply chain is breaking or is already dead, causing shortages of meat and other necessities, as can be seen in partially empty shelves in our local supermarkets and department stores.  Even Walmart, Costco, Sam's Club, and other big box-stores are not exempt from the specter of possible rationing of certain products.

As the country begins to reopen, we can hope that farmers will again be able to sell their products, instead of wasting the bounty that God has given us...

But many small farmers have gone out of business, not to mention far too many mom-and-pop small businesses that employ or create most of the jobs in our country.  It is estimated that almost 40 percent of those very same small businesses will keep their doors shut forever.

What will they do for employment?   How will they feed their families, or clothe their children?   How will they be able to pay their mortgages, or make car payments?  

eople are forced into a corner when they are desperate; they just might strike back when there seems to be no other avenue open to them, except a periodic government check.  In the long run, this dehumanizes the family unit, causing despair, or worse.

When will these trials and tribulations for our country end?  Or, will they ever end?  Who do we turn to for solace and consolation?  President Trump?  It seems he has fallen under the spell of the "medical experts" and the one-world-order globalists, and is intent on producing a COVID-19 vaccine at "warp speed."  

Do we look toward a certain politician or political party -- as our savior?

The God-fearing know the answer: there is only one Savior, and unless and until we, as a nation, turn to Him, we will continue to be frustrated and demoralized in trying to find solutions to our economic, as well as our spiritual needs and desires...

Pray for our country -- and our president...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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