Thursday, May 21, 2020

The REAL Statistics Of The COVID-19 "Pandemic"...

The following data is gleaned from the NVSS -- the National Vital Statistics System under the CDC...

The "magic" manipulation of the COVID-19 deaths as reported on -- The CDC's own website, indicate that as of May 20, 2020, the number of deaths from the coronavirus: 71,339; however, the media reports 94,965!

It should be noted that the CDC has a footnote under the 71,339 figure.  Here is what that footnote reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Another interesting figure includes all deaths in the U.S. from the period 2/1/2020, through 5/20/2020, as 907,069.

But more pertinent, are the deaths listed from pneumonia, influenza, OR COVID-19.  There is also a footnote that reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, pneumonia, or influenza.

What is going on here?

Do these "scientists" know what they're talking about?  Or is there a more sinister agenda here than just ignorance?

I say that the CDC and the NVSS are not ignorant, but skilled in the art of number manipulation and fear-mongering, all supported by those who would control the American populace at all costs.

Our freedoms be damned!

Why has President Trump bought into this disastrous, apocalyptic end to our once-flourishing economy, throwing 38,600,000 Americans out of work.   (These latest figures come from the Department of Labor...)

Notice that recently, Trump's daily briefings are being held in the Rose Garden, in the bright sunshine and fresh air.   Notice too, that he is surrounded by Dr. Fauci on one side, and Dr. Birx on the other side -- both wearing face-masks

Is that a "fashion statement," or is it all part of the masquerade, a show, to keep gullible Americans frightened and panicked.  I say it's the latter...

The worst, however, is yet to come, with the president telling us that by the end of the year, there will be 300,000,000 doses of vaccine available to "distribute" to the American public, using the military to do so!

Last week, he said that the vaccine will only be given to those who want it.  


Don't count on that "exemption."  

We, as a country, are in deep, deep trouble, but also keep in mind that we have the Second Amendment to protect our guaranteed Constitutional rights from being trampled upon any further...

Please pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

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