Monday, May 4, 2020

Is This Another "Stockholm Syndrome"?

In 1974, Patty Hearst, newspaper heiress and granddaughter of publisher William Randolph Hearst,  was kidnapped and held hostage by the radical Communist group, the Symbionese Liberation Army.

She was later recorded denouncing her family as well as the police under her new name, "Tania".   In fact, she was later seen with the SLA robbing banks in San Francisco.  I remember seeing a photo of Hearst holding an AK-47 rifle.  She publicly asserted her sympathetic feelings towards the SLA and their radical, anti-American agenda.  In effect, she was accepted as a fellow comrade-in-arms -- for the cause...

I thought I would bring back this forty-six-year-old story, and compare it to what is happening in -- and to -- our country, in light of the measures being taken to combat the COVID-19, so-called pandemic.  

In a recent survey, a majority of Americans agree with the draconian restrictions imposed by various governors and mayors to supposedly stifle the spread of the virus, regardless of the cost to our freedoms.  Far too many people are kowtowing to the demands that we all wear face masks and keep our "social distance," for fear of contaminating others.   In some areas of the country, there is a monetary incentive to snitch on neighbors and friends who appear to be violating government directives.  There is also a plan being proposed in New York City to hire coronavirus contact-surveillance checkers at over $50,000 a year. 

Is this the beginning of
another "Stockholm Syndrome" among some of the American populace?

Why the eagerness to comply, or even promote overreaching government directives?

The answer appears to be the enormously successful indoctrination by the media to instill fear and panic by drilling into our heads that we must obey civil and ecclesiastical orders or face ridicule, threats or potential arrest.

I'm not sure where all this will lead, but the results might be devastating, not only for our country overall, but also for our individual liberties.  And, if this massive shut-down of our economy follows history, then there is a good chance that Mr. Trump will be a one-term president, with the election of far-left ideologues destroying whatever is left of the 250-year, noble American Constitutional experiment... 

Pray for our country -- and our president...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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