Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What -- Or Who -- Is Behind The Current Scourge Strangling Our Country -- And The World?

By their fruits will you know them...

Isn't that the truth?  And that truth will, indeed, set you -- and I -- free.

So what truth is it that we have to face in order to make any sense of what is -- and has -- happened to our beloved country over the last several months?

I'll list some of the obvious truths that some people simply do not want to face because it is too painful to do so.   And so their decision is to maintain the status quo rather than to question and perhaps make waves...

Some would call that decision, fear.

But there is also another element that may have contributed to the decision not to question, whether intended or not: repeating a lie long enough and often enough so the populace comes to believe it as truth.

The alchemy of repeating a lie over and over again, magically transforming it into truth, has been attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister.  (Actually, some variation of that has been said by others down through history in order to use it to influence or control the minds and hearts of their citizens, mostly for sinister purposes.)

Truth number one: our country -- the entire world -- has a new god, and rejected the God Who made us, relegating Him to second-class citizenship in our minds -- and our hearts.

The "new" god?  Ourselves, through pride, arrogance and greed.

Needless to say, this one, main truth is the main factor in rejecting all other truths...

Our Lord tells us in the Bible, that those who are of God, hear My voice; those who do not hear My voice, are not of God (His Father).

Truth number two: for all practical purposes, we, as a society, have accepted the heinous act of abortion -- the killing of the pre-born -- the so-called "right to choose" as "settled law."

You have a right to question my assertion, yet the fact is, is that the Supreme Court ruled it a legal right in the 1973 Roe v Wade decision.

The result?

Truth number three: over 60,000,000 American children slaughtered in the womb, or chemically dissolved for the sake of the convenience of the "mother" -- and "father" too?

With the rejection of God almighty, and the loss of the sanctity of life, the door was flung wide open for the demon to make major inroads into our hearts and minds, including those of our elected representatives.

I admit that not all Americans are guilty of this massive and deadly sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Just think, if we had the guts to march down Pennsylvania Avenue the day after Roe v Wade, by the thousands -- civilians of all stripes, lay faithful and clergy alike, demanding to be arrested and go on hunger strikes, there might be many of those 60,000,000 or more Americans alive today!

Truth number four: in the current conspiracy of the man-made -- and mutated -- COVID-19 virus, we sheepishly capitulated to the illegal shutdown orders in direct violation of our First Amendment rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution...

Truth number five: nearly 40,000,000 Americans have lost their only means of providing for their families because of the shutdown of many small -- "non-essential" -- businesses, while allowing the Walmarts, and liquor stores to remain open.   Not to mention our churches have been deemed by far too many governors, as being "non-essential"!  

Truth number six: the government has no authority to "allow" us to practice our religion, nor prevent us from practicing our religion, or allowing us to go outside and breathe fresh air and get some much-needed sunshine, or preventing the same...

These restrictions or "privileges" are also direct violations of our First Amendment rights...

Truth number seven: we have allowed the behemoth, multi-tentacled central government to stomp on our constitutional rights by sacrificing freedom for what some call "safety," or "security."  Allow that, and we deserve nor have neither...

I urge all to re-read the Declaration of Independence, and understand what might have to be done in very short order...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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