Saturday, May 16, 2020

Communist Governors Are Violating Our Constitutional Rights!!!!

Welcome to Amerika.

This is not a joke.

I can name numerous "blue state" governors that have violated the Constitutional rights of their citizens.  But the fact is, that many Republican governors have fallen for the trap of fear-mongering, panic, and medical misinformation.  These Gestapo-like governors are inflicting control over their constituents as well.  In effect, they too are violating our rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights to our founding document: the much-maligned U.S. Constitution.  It is important to mention that those cherished rights come from our good God, not the government.  The Founders knew that from first-hand experience.  Hence; they wrote the Second Amendment which gives the citizens the ability to protect and defend those rights...

I for one am totally fed-up with our president being undermined by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and their ilk. They spew lies about the spread of the COVID-19 virus; hyping-up the phony numbers to make it look as though the world will end if we don't get vaccinated as soon as those vaccines are let loose on the American populace at "warp speed" -- President Trump's own words, not mine...

A cursory view of the CDC's own website, will show how all diseases are lumped together along with COVID-19 to tally the death rates, and make it look far worse than it actually is.  The numbers printed in the newspapers, or on the Internet, show nearly double the actual deaths due to the coronavirus.

Never once have I heard the so-called "medical experts" mention the absolute necessity of certain vitamins and minerals that keep the human immune system healthy and strong, and able to fight off simple, as well as more complex infectious diseases...

These dictators continue to ruin our economy, throwing over 36,000,000 --MILLION -- Americans out of work, and refusing to let people out of their homes.  To breathe fresh air -- without masks -- and soak up sunshine with good doses of essential Vitamin D.
Let's face it, this is all about control, not safety.  This virus has opened the flood-gates of the real intent of those hard-Left, Luciferian bureaucrats to transform our beloved country into a new-world-order, third-world hell-hole, similar to what has happened in South America over the last several years.

At least now we can see what these evil villains are up to.  In a sense, this is a good thing because it will allow us a way to develop a plan of action to protect ourselves, our families, and our neighbors.

As gold ore is smelted in the furnace to melt away the impurities, so too are we being tested to separate the wheat from the chaff (the Elect)...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


  1. The article was well written; thank you. I preach the same thing to my small group--who really do not want to hear it. There are times the frustration is more than I need. The medianites would have you and I put to sleep as quickly as an unborn baby, but they know they would have to hire the hit and that is the part that bothers me most. The poor cops have to get between all of the participants and they are usually the ones who get hurt most just doing their jobs.
    Who do we get to go into Michigan, California and New York to arrest these squirrels for breaking Federal Law? I wish I were a better Christian. I have a fantasy of each of them in spontaneous
    combustion along with the mayors of New York City and L.A.
    If you decide to do something about the actual plague, count me in. I heard our state received one of those communist Chinese surveillance drones. I sent a letter to Joe Wilson begging him to have it flown over my house giving him the address. I told him I need the practice bird hunting.

    1. Thank you.. we are living in tough and challenging -- and dangerous times.. hang in there. And as I have written many times, there is only ONE Savior, and it's not government!


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