Thursday, May 7, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic? Or, Rebellion Against The Natural Law -- And God...

The non-anecdotal evidence is now becoming overwhelming: the "pandemic" was a massive set-up to bring America to her knees!





And data is leaking out from the "leak-proof," sterilized media sources, but much more so from independent organizations that are fed up with the lies and distortions of what is really involved: creating the planned, near-destruction of the American economy.

Many brave doctors are now speaking out, even with threats of losing their medical licenses to practice their sacred vocation: to do no harm...

What the entrenched, medical deep-state has perpetrated against their own countrymen is nothing short of treason, and should be dealt with accordingly.

The house of cards of falsified numbers being used to calculate the deaths from COVID-19, is beginning to crumble.

If anyone doubts this, all one has to do is to use the federal government's own bought and paid for reporting agencies, the CDC and the NVSS.  See for yourselves how the numbers are manipulated to continue to instill fear and panic in John Q. Public...

Why is all this happening in the first place?

With the lack of love of neighbor, comes the refusal to acknowledge the One Who gives us life in the first place: God almighty.  Without Him, we can do nothing.   A fact that will make itself manifest at our Particular Judgment.

In addition, follow the money trail...

If it were only the money, that would be bad enough.  The effects of "shelter-in-place," are leading farmers to lose their markets, causing millions around the world to starve to death.

The idea of creating a vaccine to counter the effects of the coronaviruses was in place long before the present outbreak.   The unscrupulous filed for patents by the thousands, not only for COVID, but also for numerous other infectious diseases -- many with conflicts of interests with the pharmaceutical industry

The result: wealth beyond your wildest dreams for those who maliciously hid the less costly solutions, including those that come from Mother Nature, knowing there is no money to be made in squeezing juice from tree-bark, or some ubiquitous plant that can be found in the forest...

The likes of Dr. Fauci and his accomplices don't even try to hide their arrogance and disdain for the people they are supposed to serve.  They and care nothing for the real threats to us: fear, panic and despair.

In short, the true solution is to know, love and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.   This is something that these brilliant scientific, medical minds just can't seem to figure out. In fact, I can't remember a single time that any of them ever mentioned to pray for our country, in all those daily virus briefings standing with President Trump (the only one that has asked us to pray!).

And though I find it difficult to pray for my enemies in certain circumstances, I will follow the command of Christ, and pray for their conversion, or for their total and complete defeat!

I ask all of good will to do the same...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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