Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Over 40 People Shot, 10 Killed, In Gun-Controlled And Locked-Down Chicago...

You read it right...  In this sick society of fascists, power-control freaks, war-zone Chicago suffered more than 40 people shot, and 10 killed over the Memorial Day weekend!

Keep in mind that the "windy city" has some of the most draconian (restrictive) gun-control laws on the books.  But the Democratic mayor and governor seem to forget one, major fact: the outlaw  doesn't obey the law, only the law-abiding do.  

So in reality, the outlaw has many friends in the congress and state senate, only his friends wear three-piece suits or dresses, not orange jump suits -- as many of them should be wearing.   Their goal is to pass as many anti-Second Amendment laws as possible to stifle the good guy, but give even more ammunition to the bad guy...

Talk about absolute stupidity!

Remember, the bad guy can buy any weapon he wants -- if he has the money -- on the black market. 

After all, cash is king...

Instead of being able to celebrate a national holiday with family and friends, folks have to be more concerned about being randomly shot while at a cookout or barbecue...

This crime-ridden atmosphere is due in major part to the failure of the current mayor, Lori Lightfoot, the first openly, lesbian black mayor to rule the city with an iron fist, like some petty despot straight out of "1984"...

I know that people get what they deserve, but the situation in Chicago is beyond ridiculous -- and deadly for the citizens of a once-great metropolis...

I urge all Chicago residents to vote that mendacious female out of office before it's too late... Come to think of it, the 40 people that were shot might recover, but for the 10 people killed it is too late...  God have mercy on their souls...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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