Thursday, February 29, 2024

OUTRAGE!! San Antonio Archbishop Cancels Catholic Family Business.

The following article is from and written by John-Henry Westen... OUTRAGE: San Antonio archbishop cancels Catholic family business - LifeSite (

Embedded in the article is a video that is nearly1-hour and 50-minutes long... We watched the entire video -- it will make you sick!  You may even shed a tear or two because of what the demonic "archbishop" has done to this faithful Catholic family and their very Catholic business...

I have decided to post the entire article...

Support Sanctus Ranch retreat center: LifeFunder

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (LifeSiteNews) — In a devastating blow to a faithful Texas Catholic family with six children who have made their living running a private ranch, the archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, issued a public letter to all Catholics directing them not to do business with the ranch. The January 30 letter formally prohibits all clergy, schools, retreat centers, and Catholic groups “from contracting with or utilizing Sanctus Ranch for any Catholic-sponsored retreats, meetings, activities, or spiritual endeavors.”

Even where contracts were already signed, the bishop directed them to discuss it with his legal team rather than fulfill their contractual obligations. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller instructed Catholics against Sanctus Ranch, telling them not “to participate in any of its activities.”

Previous to the archbishop’s action against Sanctus Ranch, the family-owned business had bookings nearly every weekend. Every Catholic booking has been canceled since they were from Catholic groups in the archdiocese, though the family believes other groups withheld their contracts because they knew of the archbishop’s impending move. They also believe the archbishop influenced other dioceses against them. The financial loss amounts to more than $425,000.

The language from the archbishop is so severe that, according to the testimony of locals in the community, the family’s children are being ostracized by their peers as friends feel they should not visit. Mrs. Jennifer Sevigny, who runs the ranch with her husband and children, was in tears, as she told this reporter that she prayed the turmoil would not harm the faith of her children.

She explained the devastating financial impact of the archbishop’s letter, which comes only having narrowly survived the cancellations that resulted from the COVID shutdown a couple of years ago. “We are all in,” she explained. There is no “college fund for the children, no retirement fund,” all of our “blood, sweat, and tears are in this mission,” which is for the glory of God. Despite the crushing blow, Mrs. Sevigny is resigned to God’s will even if that should mean losing everything.

What could motivate such severe action sure to cripple a Catholic family with young children? What is so sinister in this family, who in the eyes of faithful Catholics have lived heroic, sacrificial lives to promote the Catholic faith and live out their family business as a mission to give glory to God?

Were they promoting abortion? Were they condoning homosexuality? Were they offering contraception to guests? Were they advocating women priests? Were they offering scandalous sex education at the school associated with the ranch? Was the father of the family involved in some sexual scandal? Were they involved in illegal immigration?

To all those questions, the answer is a resounding “no.” However, each of those charges are practiced by some priests and Catholic teachers in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and none have been met with even a warning, let alone a total cancellation.

Sanctus Ranch owner Dan Sevigny replied in a public response to the archbishop’s press release that “in 2019, the Archbishop himself twice celebrated Mass on a non-dedicated altar of the Ranch.” Moreover, the archbishop’s auxiliary bishop, Gary Janak, “also offered Mass on the same altar for a men’s retreat in October 2021.”

“For the Archbishop to condemn publicly his own ministerial conduct, as well as that of Bishop Janak, is the essence of hypocrisy,” Sevigny said.

LifeSite reached out to the archbishop’s office for comment but was only sent the original press release from the archbishop in reply along with a note from Jordan McMorrough, the director of communications, saying “the Archdiocese of San Antonio has no additional comment beyond the content of the statement.”

Nearly 200 people gathered for a town hall meeting on Wednesday at the ranch to learn about the matter and express sympathy for the family. Outside the archdiocesan office on Thursday, a smaller group of 30 gathered to pray for the conversion of Archbishop Garcia-Siller and for the family.

It is likely, though unstated in Archbishop Garcia-Siller’s letter, that the focus of the archbishop’s ire is that local faithful are going to Sanctus Ranch to access the Latin Mass, which the archbishop has severely restricted in his archdiocese.

LifeSite spoke with Fr. Donald Kloster, who is a priest resident at the Sanctus Ranch who offers the Latin Mass daily for the family, guests and retreatants who come to the ranch. They often have local Catholics who long to go to the Latin Mass attend the private Masses at Sanctus Ranch, which is totally permissible according to Church law. However, in the archbishop’s letter, the validity of Fr. Kloster’s masses is falsely called into question.

By cancelling ALL CATHOLIC retreats, this persecution has resulted in a $40 - $60k monthly loss in revenue. Our organization needs help to survive and funds to pursue legal action against this unjust defamation. Your donation will allow our organization to survive and make payroll for the PRIESTS and FAMILIES involved.

Moreover, the archbishop’s letter also states falsely that Fr. Kloster has been hearing confessions at Sanctus Ranch when the archbishop refused him the needed permission to do that. Fr. Kloster adamantly denies this, telling me that he has had to refuse many requests for confession and has not done one in 11 months since the archbishop refused his permission (faculties) to do that. Fr. Kloster says that he is looking into legally challenging the archbishop’s statements.

Garcia-Siller also attacks the private micro-school set up at Sanctus Ranch: “The operation of Lumen Christi Academy and its misrepresentation to the public. It is NOT approved Catholic school by the Archdiocese of San Antonio.” However, Sevigny points out that “Lumen Christi Academy … does not claim, and never has claimed, to be an Archdiocesan Catholic school.

The ranch owner explained, “Due to its founding families, the ethos of the school has been unapologetically Catholic since its inception. For the Archbishop to claim there is a ‘misrepresentation’ to the public is false and misleading.”

Archbishop Garcia-Siller castigated the family business, saying, “Sanctus Ranch is NOT and has never been an approved Catholic apostolate. It is a privately owned business that is misrepresenting itself to the public. I cannot and will not be silent and witness the people of God being misled by those who are acting independently of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.”

However, the private family-owned ranch in Texas has never claimed to represent the Catholic Church, act on its behalf, or operate as a part of the ecclesiastical structure of the Catholic Church.

Since COVID, over 50 centers around the United States have had private chapels set up where the faithful have access to the Traditional Latin Mass in an unofficial capacity. They are permitted to do so under canon law and the tradition of the Church for millennia. However, the pushback against the underground Church has only begun as bishops steeped in debt from sexual abuse payouts look to brandish control of the faithful and their money. The survival of the underground Church in China came with many sacrifices and much persecution from the government and the official patriotic church, but the faith only grows with persecution, even the most pernicious kind – that from the wolves in shepherd’s clothing.

(The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on my LifeSite blog.

It is also available in audio format on platforms such as SpotifySoundcloud, and Acast. We are awaiting approval for iTunes and Google Play as well. To subscribe to the audio version on various channels, visit the Acast webpage here.

You can send me feedback, or ideas for show topics by emailing

End of article...

I ask: Why is this novus ordo prelate so desperate to keep this Catholic family business shut down?  What is he afraid of?  Could it be that he sees these faithful Catholics as a threat to that very same novus ordo, man-made religion created by a heresiarch and Freemason, Bugnini, and implemented by a very weak Paul VI?

The devastation done to the Catholic Church since Vatican II has been nothing short of the near total destruction of the Bride of Christ! 

And if it weren't for our Lord's sacred promise that the gates of hell will never -- never! -- prevail against the true church, hopelessness and despair would infiltrate our very hearts and souls!

Pray for the defeat of those modernist monsters -- and for strength and honor for the Sevigny family! 

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Fifteen Catholics Killed At Mass By Muslim Jihadists In Burkina Faso (Africa)...

  Jihad = "holy war," is being waged against African Catholics/Christians, killing and wounding the faithful in the hundreds -- make those thousands! -- as well as kidnapping the younger folks for indoctrination or make them slaves of the flesh...

This latest heinous act of barbarism, mayhem and murder, occurred in the Burkina Faso Sahel region, more specifically in the village of Essakane in the country’s Oudalan province, Northeastern region, within the Catholic Diocese of Dori. 

Please read the full article from and written by Louis Knuffke15 Catholics killed at Mass by Muslim jihadists in Burkina Faso - LifeSite (

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article: "Father Jean-Pierre Sawadogo, vicar general of the Diocese of Dori, confirmed the Islamic attack in a statement, saying, “We bring to your attention a terrorist attack which the Catholic community of Essakane village was the victim of today, February 25, while they were gathered for Sunday prayer.” 

... "Christians have been targeted in villages, churches and workplaces. Hundreds of churches have been closed due to jihadist activities. Family and community members reject converts and try to force them to renounce their Christian faith, making them afraid to express their faith in public because of such threats. The scope for religious freedom for Christians is contracting as jihadist ideologies gain traction and expand within the broader community."

Again, please read the whole article and give thanks for our relative safety and freedom to worship at Sunday Mass here, in the not-so-perfect U.S. of A!

And pray for those poor folks who lost everything -- except their souls!

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St.  Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

The Catholic Esquire: Francis Is A Real Champion For Tradition!

 An interesting take on Pope Francis being a champion for Tradition!

listen to this short (less than 10 minute) video and digest this gentleman's take on the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter regarding true, traditional Catholicism...

Francis: A Real Champion for Tradition (

As always, pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vicent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

NOT Good! Donald Trump And Kari Lake Are Dead Wrong To Defend IVF: Here’s Why...

  From and written by Doug Mainwaring, comes this article: Donald Trump and Kari Lake are dead wrong to defend IVF: here's why - LifeSite (

Before I post an excerpt or two, I would like to comment on the President Trump and Kari Lake "phenomenon" that has so enamored the MAGA Republican base, as well as many independents, at least that's what we are told...

The very idea of another "Biden-type" presidency is almost too horrendous to contemplate!  

Most likely, some other hard left Democrat will take the place of the apostate, incoherent Biden and his crime family, but nonetheless, if those individuals are elected (steal another election!), the country will surely continue its decent into the infernal abyss!


Because those lunatics are God-hating and American-hating traitors!

Almost all Democrats are absolutely obsessed -- and possessed! -- by the demon and his culture of death and the hatred of Christ and His Elect...

Now President Trump has been presenting an alternative to the madness of selling our country to the highest bidder as well as the lust for continuous wars and rumors of war.

But there is a problem with Mr. Trump and some of his supporters, such as Kari Lake -- you know, the lady who, a couple of years ago, had the Arizona gubernatorial election stolen from her right before our eyes!

The fact is, is that Mr. Trump and K. Lake both talk a very "pro-life" message and profess the sanctity of life as compared to 99.9 percent of the Democrats who are willing to slaughter a pre-born baby right up to birth!!

However, it has come to light that since the ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that stated human embryos are, in fact, human children and must be accorded their God-given right to life, the "backlash" to that ruling has come from none other than Mr. Trump, the MAGA base of Republicans, Independents, and "conservatives" -- from all quarters.

Go figure!!

This, I'm afraid, is the ultimate result of the denial of the social reign of Christ as King of individual souls and nations!  Not to mention the non-existent "separation of church and state" pushed by folks who cannot understand the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution! 

Add to this diabolical error, is the fact that very little help is coming from the source that should be at the forefront of proclaiming that Godly reign: the hierarchy of the (novus ordo) church leaders, from the local bishops, cardinals, and the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter.

But it's not.  In fact, just the opposite emanates from Rome...

The population control and global warming freaks have an "in" with Francis, as he appoints these characters to influential "advisory posts," and offers encouragement to the various NGOs and their initiatives end fossil fuels and reduce the world's population to under 1,000,000,000 -- from the current 7,500,000,000!

To save the planet -- but not the people??

With "friends" like that, who needs enemies??

The culture of death has many allies among the globalist elites...

I know I have digressed a bit, so here are some excerpts from the above article: 

(LifeSiteNews) — After the Alabama Supreme Court affirmed last week that embryos are children — bringing an abrupt end to IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatments in the state — former President Donald J. Trump roundly rejected the court’s finding, saying, “I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious baby.”

Trump wasn’t alone. Other self-identifying “MAGA” and “America First” Republicans also criticized the court.

“In the Senate, I will advocate for increased access to fertility treatment for women struggling to get pregnant,” declared outspoken former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, now running for U.S. Senate. “IVF is extremely important for helping countless families experience the joy of parenthood. I oppose restrictions.”

End of excerpts...

I guess they just can't see the forest for the trees...

Pray for their conversion to the Catholic Faith, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, February 26, 2024

Another Example Of The Treason Of The Federal Behemoth -- Of American Citizens In Favor Of Foreign Manufacturers!

  Here is a headline from the latest example of high crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by the federal monstrosity against the American worker in favor of foreign manufacturers! 

Hollowed Out Heartland: 900 American Workers at West Virginia Plant Laid Off After Feds Refuse Tariffs on China

I know I'm repeating the headline/title of the article, but I feel it is important to emphasize the horrendous effect such layoffs will have on a community of 20,000 or so residents.

Here is the lead paragraph of the article: "After a federal agency refused to allow the Department of Commerce to impose tariffs on cheap imported tin from Canada, China, Germany, and South Korea, about 900 American workers are set to lose their jobs at a plant in Weirton, West Virginia."

For such a community to lose 900 jobs is absolutely devastating!  

But those miserable bureaucrats tasked with protecting the American worker, have sold their collective souls to the foreign conglomerates.

But why?  

This lunacy and sellout of the American worker is nothing new... 

Look at the wide-open borders letting in millions -- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens, some taking jobs right out of the hands of the lower-level American wage earner.  On top of that, the scalawags, such as the Chamber of Commerce, work hand-in-hand with their liberal cronies in the federal and (blue) state governments to destroy American jobs through favoritism -- and kickbacks?

To say that the Biden "administration" and their lackeys are working for our foreign competitors -- and, in some cases, our enemies! -- has been proven by the corruption and the bought-and-paid-for Biden crime family and their salacious relationships within that diabolical family -- and others as well!  Their apostacy from the Catholic faith has led to the moral, spiritual depravity and rot of the last three-plus years of the current, illicit Biden "presidency"!

I am convinced that these monsters must be defeated this November, if not, then what is left of the Republic will be absolutely destroyed or handed over to the enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and our ability to worship our good God and Savior! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Believe It Or Not, I Agree With Bishop Barron: Our Rights Come From GOD, NOT From Government! Does This Have To Be Stated In The First Place??

  Now, why does this important fact have to be enumerated in the first place -- using God-given common sense?  Because the hard, radical, atheistic left denies this basic tenet of human beings!

Even Thomas Jefferson declares so in the Declaration of Independence, a document, that I'm sure, those same anti-Christ leftist lunatics hate!  (Just as they hate the Second Amendment -- that insures those rights!!!)

Please read the following article from and written by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.DLeading Bishop Blasts Politico Reporter's Critique of ‘Christian Nationalists’ (

Here are a couple of excerpts to induce you to read the entire article and watch the short -- under three-minute video of Bishop Barron...

"Robert Barron, bishop of the Diocese of Winona–Rochester and founder of the Catholic ministerial organization Word on Fire, took issue with reporting by Politicos national investigative correspondent, Heidi Przybyla, who claimed Christian nationalists are dangerous because they think human rights come from God rather than government."

And this from the bishop: “It is exceptionally dangerous when we forget the principle that our rights come from God and not from the government,” the bishop insisted. “Because the basic problem is if they come from the government (or Congress, or the Supreme Court) they can be taken away by those same people.”

Dear readers, this horrendous thinking is an example of the results of milquetoast preaching from the pulpit that has led to an extreme loss of faith in the existence of God, and the Real Presence our Lord and Savior, and provides cannon fodder for the anti-Christ, liberals leading a weakened flock into the infernal abyss.

As Christ tells us it is our duty -- His command! -- to love our enemies and pray for their conversion... We can do no less if we truly fear the Lord -- and love our neighbor.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Never Ending "Church Unity" Mantra...

  Every time I read about some prelate of the novus ordo church admonishing those who stand fast to Tradition as being a threat to "church unity," my blood boils!

The latest nonsensical admonishment comes from an archbishop by the name of Bruno Forte, a former papal confidant... 

Please read this article from and written by Michael Haynes:  Former papal confidant says prelates who 'criticize' Pope Francis are a threat to Church 'unity' - LifeSite (

One thing I always notice, is that when one of these prelates castigates the "rigid" faithful -- that's us! -- as a threat to church unity, they are actually pointing the finger at themselves

This is a typical tenet right out of the secular or ecclesiastical liberal playbook... 

It's as though the blind are leading the blind -- right into the infernal abyss!

Here is an excerpt from the article: "... Forte attested that to “criticize” the Pope was “wrong” since it endangered or even broke ecclesial unity: “Thirdly, because breaking the unity of the Church hurts everyone and the leading role of individuals does not express the strength and beauty of communion, which comes from above, it is an icon of the Trinity and leads us to the beauty of the eternal homeland.”

It is amazing to me the veil covering the eyes of Forte!  He can't see that the attack on Tradition and the traditional Latin Mass, is, perhaps, the worst thing that leads to the destruction of true church unity! 

Of course, when these novus ordo prelates mumble and complain about church unity, one has to ask, what church are they talking about?

The one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic church founded by our Lord, or some Frankenstein monstrosity created and built on the religion of man?

(If you want a cross to carry and follow our Lord this Lent, this is it.)

I think the words and events of the last ten or eleven years, emanating from the Chair of St. Peter, answers that question...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

Friday, February 23, 2024

Apostacy Leads To Lunacy And The Denial Of The Natural Law...

 Here's the headline from an article from and written by Jonathon Van Maren

Leaked Antony Blinken memo shows the grip gender ideology has on the US gov’t.

With the installation of the illicit, corrupt Biden "administration," over three years ago now, you can easily see that apostacy from the Catholic faith leads to lunacy and the denial of the Natural Law -- and God's divinely revealed law!

Keep in mind that many who fill the cabinet of Biden, are --in name only! -- Catholic!

Here's an excerpt from the article: "Presumably, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will tell his boss that a similar proclamation this Mother’s Day is inappropriate — at least, if a February 5 memo leaked to National Review recently is any indication. Blinken’s memo, titled “Modeling DEIA: Gender Identity Best Practices” (that stands for “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” — these acronyms keep getting longer), informs State Department employees that they should no longer use “gendered” terms such as “mother,” “father,” and “manpower” due to the fact that gender is a social construct. The memo explicitly endorses transgender ideology, noting that a person’s gender identity “may or may not correspond with one’s sex assigned at birth.” 

(My emphasis.)

Is this or is this not lunacy? 

Now, while this nation's "leaders" are more concerned with this deadly stupidity, and instead of following God-given common sense, and supporting our precious family life and our military forces, their actions are doing nothing but weakening the family unit as well as downgrading our military readiness.

The five branches of the military are already having a tough time in filling the vacancies by those retiring, or those not re-enlisting, or for other reasons, one of which, I'm sure, is the "wokeness" being pushed on the men and women trying their dead-level best in serving their country with honor and the sacrifice that goes along with putting on the uniform...

Add to this dilemma, is the fact that our southern border has seen a flood of millions --- that's millions! -- of illegal aliens entering our country since Biden took the Oval Office hostage in January of 2021.

Why is this important?  One of the obvious reasons is that illegal entry into our country is federal crime, period!  And the so-called Department of Justice is doing virtually nothing to stem the tide of illegals and drugs...

And if anyone thinks that it is only poor Mexicans or other Central American citizens that are flooding through our porous border, think again...

It is a fact that many Communist Chinese -- military aged men! -- are also part of that flood!  Not to mention many Middle East and African "refugees" being financed and transported to our borders.  

Yes, I said borders -- plural.  

It has come to light that many "asylum seekers" are now coming through our northern border as well!  

So much so, that the tiny state of New Hampshire has sent additional law enforcement troops to help catch the bad guys trying to enter that state and our country illegally...

I ask: why would Communist Chinese, military aged men, want to enter our country?   And what about those on the so-called "terrorist watch list" also evading capture and scattering into various parts of the Republic?

I have a theory -- call me crazy, if you want, but I say that in the not-too-distant future we just may see an internal "red dawn" (see the movies of the same title)!

This is not hyperbole! 

If that happens, then the reality of the actions of the traitors, Biden, et al, will come to fruition; their plan will have come full circle!

It could very well mean fighting in the streets in order to protect and defend the United States of America, while the corrupt, bought-and- paid-for Biden crime family will reap the "rewards" of making America just another third world hellhole of a country, under the reign of the anti-Christ! 

Pray for strength and honor, we need now more than ever!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Wednesday, February 21, 2024

State Supreme Court Rules Embryos ARE Children!

 (This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh)

 ‘Constitutional provision tilts the scales of the law in favor of protecting the unborn.’

A ruling from the Supreme Court in the state of Alabama has released a stunning verdict: That embryos are “children” under state law and protected by the same laws that apply who children already born.

The decision essentially determined that unborn children are a person. The question posed was whether a state law protecting children excluded those unborn.

“Under existing black-letter law, the answer to that question is no: the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to all unborn children, regardless of their location,.” the court said. “[T]he relevant statutory text is clear: the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies on its face to all unborn children, without limitation.”

The decision reversed a lower court ruling that tossed a case brought by three couples over the destruction of their embryos at a clinic.

“Thee Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to all unborn children, regardless of their location,” the court said.

A Fox report explained, “The couples who filed the lawsuit claim a wandering patient gained access to the cryogenic storage area, removed embryos from the freezer, and dropped the embryos on the floor, destroying them.”

The ruling sends the case back down to the Mobile Circuit Court for further proceedings. The couples are seeking damages.

The precedent already is being used.

“Liberty Counsel filed a supplemental authority today with the Florida Supreme Court regarding the proposed abortion amendment to Florida’s constitution. Currently, the Florida Constitution protects the rights of a ‘natural person.’ During the oral argument on February 7, Florida Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz asked attorneys on both sides of the abortion issue if the ballot summary should apprise voters of how the proposed abortion amendment could impact the constitution if its definition of ‘natural person’ also included the unborn,” the legal team explained.

“Liberty Counsel is using Alabama’s ruling to argue that Florida’s Constitution, like Alabama’s, affirms ‘that an unborn child qualifies as a human life, a human being, and a person.’ In response to Chief Justice Muñiz’s question, Florida’s deceptive amendment proposal as written misleads voters by not explaining how it will take away a protected right to life for the unborn,” the legal team said.

The ruling determined, “All parties to these cases, like all members of this Court, agree that an unborn child is a genetically unique human being whose life begins at fertilization and ends at death. The parties further agree that an unborn child usually qualifies as a ‘human life,’ ‘human being,’ or ‘person,’ as those words are used in ordinary conversation and in the text of Alabama’s wrongful-death statutes. That is true, as everyone acknowledges, throughout all stages of an unborn child’s development, regardless of viability.”

It stated, “The ordinary meaning of ‘child’ includes children who have not yet been born.”

Chief Justice Tom Parker, who wrote a special concurrence, said, “A good judge follows the Constitution instead of policy, except when the Constitution itself commands the judge to follow a certain policy. In these cases, that means upholding the sanctity of unborn life, including unborn life that exists outside the womb. Our state Constitution contains the following declaration of public policy: ‘This state acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life.'”

Parker said, “The People of Alabama have declared the public policy of this State to be that unborn human life is sacred. We believe that each human being, from the moment of conception, is made in the image of God. Putting this all together, [the law] does much more than simply declare a moral value that the People of Alabama like. Instead, this constitutional provision tilts the scales of the law in favor of protecting unborn life.”

Mat Staver, chief of Liberty Counsel, which has fought on behalf of life issues for decades, said, “Every unborn life is a human being. Every human life begins as an embryo, and now the Alabama Supreme Court has upheld the decision of its citizenry that every unborn life should be protected, no matter their stage or location. This important ruling has far-reaching implications. Liberty Counsel is using this precedent to argue that Florida’s proposed deceptive and misleading abortion amendment violates Florida’s own laws that routinely recognize that an ‘unborn child’ has the legally protected rights of a person. Unborn life must be protected at every stage.”

Having the unborn declared to hold personhood long has been a goal of the pro-life movement, because if those unborn are “persons” under the law, all of the legal protections provided in the Constitution and the law apply to them, too.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center

End of article...

What you are seeing are human embryos!

My only question is why it takes a court or a lawsuit to tell the world that life begins at conception is beyond me?

Following the Natural Law and the Ten Commandments -- and the fear of the Lord! -- should be enough to convince the world of this fact of life...

May all destruction of human embryos and the slaughter of pre-born babies come to an end. 

May God have mercy on us!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Disgraceful! Caught In A Lie: "Cardinal" Dolan Praises "Priest" Who Presided At ‘Trans’ Funeral In New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral!

 You can't make this stuff up!  

Worse than a Hollywood "B" movie script...

From and written by Maike HicksonEXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Dolan praises priest who presided at 'trans' funeral in New York cathedral - LifeSite (

Here are a couple of excerpts -- if you can stomach it...

 "Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York told a Catholic laywoman that Fr. Edward Dougherty, who officiated at the scandalous February 15 funeral service of a transgender activist and atheist in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, “is a hero.”

And this: "When Long insisted that many Catholics would have liked to attend that Mass of Reparation in light of the great scandal of the funeral service, Dolan told her that Fr. Dougherty “is a hero” because “he stopped the (funeral) Mass.” And when Long objected that she herself had watched the entire service and that it was not stopped, Dolan said, “Then it went on without him,” and the cardinal turned around and walked away."

Comment: Another Dolan lie!

Never forget, it was Dolan who wore the "rainbow sash" at the St. Patrick's Day Parade!  

"At certain points during the service, Fr. Dougherty could be heard laughing at the pranks of the audience. On the high altar of St. Patrick’s, transgenders were hugging and kissing during the remembrance speeches. One friend proclaimed Gentili as “this whore, this great whore” and “Saint Cecilia” to a huge outburst of applause. The crowd and organizers of the funeral event turned it into a political rally complete with cheers, catcalls, and intentions for “gender-affirming health care.” This blasphemous chant filled the entire cathedral as Gentili’s coffin was carried down the aisle, accompanied by Fr. Dougherty, who had stated at the end: “Let us take leave of our sister Cecilia.” He added, “One day we shall joyfully greet her again.”

(My emphasis.)

Comment: Where, in hell?

Please read the whole article and watch the video, if you can...

What we are witnessing here, is the near-complete moral and spiritual corruption being perpetrated by the third and fourth generation of the original infiltrators that were recruited by the likes of Bella Dodd and her comrades back in the 20's, 30's and 40's...

The goal of these monsters was to recruit, communists and perverts to enter the seminaries, become "priests," and, by mission creep, slowly destroy the Catholic Church from within...

To date, these modernists and Marxists have been hugely successful in turning the novus ordo into a Masonic temple devoid of the true faith and sanctifying grace.  It has become a "religion" of man, not God!  It echoes the cry of the French Revolution: "liberty," equality and "fraternity".  Further, if you listen to just about anything that emanates from the mouth of Bergoglio, he too echoes the same nonsense that brought torture and death to many Catholic religious and laity during the Reign of Terror.

Yet he continues to trash and smash any and all those who stand fast to Tradition, especially those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages!

If we didn't have our Lord's promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His church, we wouldn't have one iota of hope...

Pray for the defeat of these monsters and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...